Chapter 17

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"Kurt, come on. We can't rule them all out because of one tiny detail." Blaine whined, closing yet another tab on his computer. They had been browsing all the websites known to humankind to find an apartment they might want to visit but so far nothing was worth it, according to Kurt.

"This one was in a very nasty neighborhood." Kurt argued, scrolling down on the laptop perched on his lap.

"Yes, well it couldn't exactly be worse than the one my condo is in right now." Kurt groaned at the mention of Blaine's place and stopped on one particular add. The condo was big enough so they could all have their own room and invite at least one guest over, it was close enough to Jules' school and not so far from Blaine's work. "This one!" Kurt exclaimed as he went through the picture.

"Show me." Blaine clicked on the pictures, whistling every time a new room came to view. "This place is stunning."

"And all the walls seem white, so we can actually work from here for the palette color and paint it over very easily.

"Let me arrange for us to visit it tomorrow." Blaine said, writing down the phone number as they searched for another place worth their time. Between Kurt's list of must-haves and Blaine's, finding the right apartment seemed quite the difficulty. They searched for two more hours, saving pages whenever they actually found something and wrote down all the numbers so Blaine could arrange to visit the places quickly.

For both men it had overall been a nice time they got to spend together. Kurt had to pass through all Blaine's worries first, whenever he saw the price for the place Kurt was looking at the man would yelp in shock. Kurt had explained that working for Vogue had its perks and one of them was being paid a ridiculous amount of money each month so they could afford a very nice apartment - as long as it wasn't too extraordinary, of course. And once Blaine had started to only look at the picture and not the prices, the research had improved drastically.

They both passed out for the second night in a row in Kurt's bed and when they both woke up, Kurt cradled against Blaine's chest for the second time, they just went about their day as if nothing happened without mentioning it to the other.

They did talk about it with their respective co-workers, trying to get a hold on what was happening, making them all groan in frustration at how much of a pain they both were at being so oblivious.

Kurt was in the middle of his lunch on Wednesday when his phone rang.

"Kurt Hummel."

"Well well well, if this isn't your favorite in-law calling." Kurt heard a familiar voice saying though he couldn't remember where he had first heard it.

"My favorite-"

"I'm calling about the eighth wonder that is my nephew. Blainey told me that you were in charge of planning his birthday. So tell me, where, when, and what?" Realization smashed Kurt in the face when he realized that it was Cooper Anderson calling him at his workplace. Kurt scrunched up his nose in shock, his mouth wide open.


"Exactly. So tell me, Mister Anderson-Hummel. Where's the little party taking place?" It took Kurt several seconds to gather himself before snapping out of his initial shock.

"First of all, Cooper Anderson, you're not my favorite in-law, as a matter of fact you're my favorite nothing. Second of all, my name is Hummel and I'd like for you to use it as such. Finally, Jules's birthday is this Saturday, at two, our place." Kurt almost snapped his fingers sassily before remembering that one of his walls was actually made of glass and everyone could see him. "Bring him something nice."

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