Dirty Hacker

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-Zer0's PoV-

I smiled at how jumpy they were, it was rather amusing for me to be honest. The tallest of the three only came up to my armpit, meaning I was a good bit taller then them. I watched as they glanced at each other, I waited for them to make a move, letting out a bored sigh when none of them moved right away.

When they did move, the one named Dust had teleported back a few feet and the black tear faced one, Killer teleported to my side and tried to slash at me with his knife, the bloodied one with the axe just running off out of the way.

I created a sharpened black and green jagged bone to hold as a weapon in my right hand, using it to deflect the knife.

Not bothering to keep track of the one called Horror I went on a counter attack against Killer, not using my left hand yet, had to have a little fun first right? I laughed happily as Dust summoned a blaster to try and hit me with, only I easily dodged it and returned fire with my own blaster, green crystals glowing, the red scarf I wore blowing behind me as I rushed at Dust to attack him, only for Killer to teleport into my way. At least they were putting up a fight.

"I think the other two are trying to be distractions so that the one with the axe can attack" C0de mentioned, and I couldn't help but smile, knowing how I could mess with them.

Just as I knew Horror was behind me about to attack, I smirked, suddenly teleporting away, leaving horror about to hit Killer with his axe. But he managed to stop just in time, I tsked softly, standing behind Dust I put a hand on his shoulder, making him jump as he tried to trap me with bones, but I simply warped Killer into my place, meaning Dust trapped his own teammate. A soft giggle left me as I picked up Dust by his hoodie, Horror then threw his axe at me, and to his surprise I caught it.

-Killers PoV-

I blinked when Zer0 caught the axe right out of the air, then cursed as the taller threw Dust into one of the columns, stunning him momentarily. I thought that Zer0 might use the axe now to attack me, but I was wrong. Zer0 teleported in front of Horror and grabbed him by the throat, lifting him up off the ground as he tilted his head at my struggling teammate.

Everything seemed to slow down now, the black and green claws on Zer0's left hand seeming to dig into Horrors throat as he gasped and struggled. I could only watch as lines of black began to grow from the claws and go into Horrors neck and towards his eyes. Dropping the axe Zer0 held up his right hand and drew out Horrors Soul, smiling as green wisps of energy flowed from his fingers and surrounded the soul.

"Now for the real fun!" Zer0 exclaimed cheerfully. Dust was now standing up and we both were a little shocked to suddenly hear a chilling scream of agony from Horror only for it to suddenly be cut short as he went limp in Zer0's hold.

Zer0 dropped Horror to the ground with a loud thump, still holding his Soul, "really, you three are just so easy to manipulate... if you hadn't been so gullible then this wouldn't have happened... now you can see first hand just how easy it is for me to control you" came the dark mocking tone of Zer0 as we watched the same kind of black liquid with binary code that came from Zer0's eye start to drip from Horrors soul. Watching as the soul was soon completely coated in that thick molasses like substance.

I was then released from the bones by Dust, both of us on guard, glancing at Horrors limp form at Zer0's feet.

"The fuck do you think you're doing!?" Dust shouted at Zer0, who only grinned.

That was when I noticed Horror on the ground, twitching slightly. "Time to get up my new toy" Zer0 purred. At those words Horrors body jolted into a sitting position, slowly getting to his feet.

We could no longer see Horrors eyelights, that black stuff dripping from his eyes and his mouth covered by the stuff like a surgical mask. Horror picked up his axe and turned to face us now, his body jerking and twitching violently.

"Horror get away from him!" Dust yelled, and I felt a chill in my bones when Zer0 laughed. Something was horribly wrong. Suddenly Horror rushed at us, moving almost like a puppet on strings, jerking left and right, one arm trailing limply behind him as he used the other to swing his axe at Dust, who narrowly avoided it. Horror jerked back, his head tilted back. He stood in a low stance with both arms hanging beside him limply, the axe head resting on the tile floor.

"Horror snap out of it! What the fuck did you do to him? What are you!?" Dust yelled at Zer0 as he dodged more attacks from the possessed Horror.

"Oh that's pretty simple.... I'm a glitch... and a hacker!" Came the cheerful reply from Zer0, who giggled like a child.

This was all fucked up on a whole new level, sure Cross could do something similar, so maybe incapacitating Horror would snap him out of it all.

After a while Zer0 seemed to be getting bored. "Well I guess you three have amused me enough, and I don't exactly feel the need to kill you anymore... but maybe I should leave a parting gift hmmm?" Zer0 asked, Horror instantly disengaging from me.

Dust and I were both confused as Zer0 held out Horrors soul again and put one claw against it, pushing hard, our attention was drawn to Horror who was screaming and sobbing in pain, and we could hear bones cracking, the black liquid no longer over his mouth or coming from his eyes, instead that black stuff seemed to be snapping some ribs and even broke one of Horrors legs before moving back up his to his face and going into his mouth, choaking him for a moment before it all seemed to stop. Horror lay on the ground, body shaking in pain and silent tears rolling down his face, but his soul was now back where it should be.

"Thanks for the fun!" Zer0 called, turning away as he opened a tear in the codes to go home, waving as he quickly left. Dust and I quickly rushed over to Horror, working together to return to Nightmares castle with Horror so we could get him healed up.

-Zer0's PoV-
As soon as I got through the portal I collapsed to the ground C0de's body no longer having the strength to keep itself standing after all my fun.

"I thought I warned you not to do that! You know my body can't handle the stress hacking like that puts on me!" C0de scolded me.

"Yah but it was fun...." I replied, earning a defeated and fed up sigh from C0de.

I gave him back control and he only just barely managed to drag himself onto his big beanbag chair before he passed out from exhaustion.

1243 words!

Yes second chapter in one day! Who would have expected Zer0 to have a power like that? And who knows what the black liquid might actually be!? Ohhh the mystery! Haha anyways thanks for reading.

-Equanox 💙🐉

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