The Waiting Game

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-Outer's PoV-

It had been almost an entire day since we found the injured skeleton, and while C0de was stable, he still had yet to wake up. So we all decided to take turns watching him to make sure everything was okay if he woke up. I walked into the room, telling Star that he could go sleep and eat, his shift was over. I looked at the clock, knowing that in five hours if nothing happened then Alphys would come take my place, and then Star would take hers, and so forth. I had so many questions I wanted to ask this person, like what had happened to him, where he was from, why he had so many old injuries, but it had to wait until he woke.

Alphys had hooked up some tubes to give the thin skeleton some nutrition, as he was very underweight for his height. I had taken a note book with me and decided I would gather any new information I could based on Checking his Soul.

Every time I saw his Soul it still baffled me, how could a monster have a broken human soul inside their own soul, not to mention all the chips and cracks that showed darkness with 1s and 0s in the endless black that was there. If there was one way to describe his soul, it was mangled.

This time I decided to try looking at some of his stats, but what I found confused me even more, no discernible LV, HP, Attack, or Defence. Instead it was a bunch of 0s that looked distorted and kept glitching and the words 'Data not found' beside each stat.

There was very little I could piece together based on the jumbled mess that I was seeing, but I wrote everything down anyways. What I could figure out was; his AU was on a genocide rout, a lot of time passed and something really bad happened, he is the sole survivor of his AU, he is sometimes emotionally and mentally unstable, he's been hurt in the past very badly (well that's a given) and he has another side of him known as Zer0 that is apparently dangerous. Out of all the information I learned though, one thing stuck out, he was alone, and had been for a long time, and he wanted it all to end.

A shudder went through me at the thought of being completely alone, of being so broken and abandoned that he had at some point lost the will to live and tried, maybe was still trying to end his life. No wonder he was so... shattered.

I let his soul go back and fade as I put the notebook aside, taking out a book to read for a bit, yet I couldn't help but look back at the sleeping figure hooked up to all these machines. Maybe I should tell Ink, or maybe even Dream.... this guy, he needs help. I thought, frowning at the other skeleton.

-Time Skip-

About three and a half hours or so later I was now in the middle of reading my book when I heard some movement from the bed near me. I stilled, my breathing soft as I listened again, but after a minute of not hearing anything I went back to reading. I sighed, looking over to the clock again before looking back to my book. Then I got a strange feeling, like someone was watching me.

-C0de's PoV-

When I woke up I stayed still, feigning sleep as I listened to my surroundings. I was on my back, there was a soft droning sound in the background as well as little beeps from machinery. I could feel cords, tubes and other medical equipment attached to me, and I could tell there was someone else in the room with me, though I had yet to open my eyes. I tried to move my hand to maybe get my gun only to realise that, all I was wearing was one of those medical gowns. The other in the room stilled, they must have heard me move, I kept still, pretending to be asleep until I heard the other let out a sigh, and hearing the flip of a page.

I opened my eyes, finding that my observations had been right, then I turned my head to stare at the other person in the room. The other was a skeleton like me, though shorter by a bit, reading a book. After a minute or so the other seemed to notice they were being watched, pausing before lowering the book a little to look at me, only to drop the book in surprise, eyes wide.

They stood up now "Alphys he's awake!" the other shouted, his voice wasn't as deep as mine, but it was safe to say that the skeleton was probably male.

Footsteps could be heard from outside the room and soon a much taller skeleton who looked almost exactly like Paps other then what he wore came into the room along with a winded yellow reptile monster who was likely this universes Alphys. So then the skeleton that yelled was probably this AUs Sans, and the tall one Papyrus.

"YOU'RE AWAKE! WE WERE SO WORRIED, HOW ARE YOU FEELING?" Papyrus asked, his voice just as loud and energetic as ever.

"Star not so loud the guy just woke up" the smaller skeleton said.

"Outer, h-has he s-said a-anything t-to y-you?" Alphys asked the smaller, at least now I had names for them.

Outer shook his head, all three of them turning to look at me, I almost snarled at them simply out of habit, but I kept my calm emotionless face, looking at each of them.

Alphys shuffled her feet out of nervousness when my gaze landed on her, "H-hello, c-can y-you talk?" She asked shyly.

I was glad that Zer0 hadn't woken up yet, I was still tired, and didn't want to deal with him at the moment.

"Where?" I asked, realising how dry my mouth felt. Outer seeming to notice this, got me a glass of water, and despite their protests I sat up, my bones creaking and some popping as I moved, huffing softly. I drank the water that was offered, greatful for the soothing feeling it gave me.

"Where am I? What AU is this?" I asked now, looking at each of them.

"Outertale, I'm Outertale Sans, but you can call me Outer, this is my brother Papyrus, feel free to call him Star, and this is Alphys." Outer said, pointing to each person in turn.

I nodded, then after a moment of silence I decided I may as well give them a name to call me. "Name's C0de" I said in a mumble, looking around the room now.


I tensed, "Never. Call. Me. Sans." I all but growled out, eyes narrowed dangerously.

"I'm not Sans... Not anymore" I mumbled the last part under my breath.

The other's looked shocked at my reaction, "I'M SORRY... C0DE" Star said after a moment of hesitation.

"Where are my clothes" I asked now.

"W-well you w-were r-really h-hurt a-and y-your c-clothes were d-dirty... I tried to w-wash them b-but... s-some of the b-blood s-stains m-must be r-really o-old, and th-the b-black w-won't c-come o-out of th-the scarf." Alphys explained.


"No" I snapped at Star, interrupting him. "I'm not throwing that scarf away, Ever." I continued, moving to get up, but Outer stopped me.

"Look bud, you need to lay back down, you were really hurt when we found you. I'll make sure we get you your clothing back and your scarf okay? But we need you to just take it easy for now." Outer said, I was about to protest but he stopped me and continued. "We also have a few questions that we would like to ask you. But for now, are you hungry?" he asked.

I hesitated, but finally I nodded my head, hating to admit it, and really not wanting to answer any questions.

1375 words!

Finally got off my butt and updated, not much action this time, but a bit of insight about C0de's emotions and feelings towards certain things. The next chapter will probably be another slower one, but I promise it will be worth it. Thanks for reading :)


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