Coming to a Decision.

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-Outer's PoV-

It had been a week or two since I made my little offer to C0de, and while he didnt show up often, when he did he was actually rather helpful and others quickly took a liking to him. However he kept himself distant from others, and would not allow anyone to call him a friend, that got me a little worried.

A few days after C0de had left Ink showed up, asking if I had seen anyone by C0des description, and as much as I wanted help figuring out the stranger, I couldn't risk breaking the small bit of trust I was gaining, so I told Ink I had never seen him. What Ink told me next sort of startled me, sure I had an idea that C0de was unstable, but outright dangerous to entire AUs? So without thinking I asked Ink about what else he knew.

"From what I've gathered, this Sans no longer has an AU, but it wasn't Error who destroyed it either, it's as if his AU never existed... he is also very unstable, and it seems like he has two sides, C0de being more calm from what I've heard, and well, Zer0 being violent, and destructive to others and himself.... I suspect that some of the wounds I saw on C0de must have been self inflicted by Zer0 based on his behavior." Ink said.

Well that explains some things. I thought. But now I have even more questions... maybe I should tell Ink and get help from him as well as Dream. I must have zoned out while I was thinking, as Ink was snapping his fingers in front of my face and waving his hand to get my attention.

"Huh oh sorry, I was just thinking.... that's a lot to take in... but, maybe this guy isn't as dangerous to others as you say, it sounds like he might be more of a danger to himself." I said, making Ink pause to think on what I said.

"You have a point... say, Outer, I know of the deals you have made to other more violent Sans." Ink said, and I froze up a little, ready for Ink to get angry, but instead the rainbow skeleton only smiled.

"I'm actually grateful that you do that, in a way, you are helping everyone... I mean it's better for them to be here just thinking and relaxing then for them to be out causing mayhem... anyways, I want to ask a favor of you. If C0de happens to come here, and isn't too violent, give him that offer." Ink said, and I nodded.

"And tell me." Ink added. I guess he could see my doubt, and he must have guessed what I was thinking. "Don't worry, I won't be coming here to try and confront him, it wouldn't end well based on how he reacted to Error and I when we first met him... but, I want to be able to keep tabs on him, and saying as he seems to be almost untraceable, knowing when he is here could give me the perfect opportunity to learn more about him without aggravating him." Ink explained.

I nodded, "as long as no one starts fighting then I guess it wouldn't hurt." I said. And with that Ink thanked me and left. Leaving me with a lot to think about.

-Time skip brought to you by Error glitching out-

After a week or so I decided that I should tell Ink, but I had to be careful about how I brought it up. So rather than risking C0de finding out, I decided to meet with Ink in the doodlesphere, having him open up a portal for me.

"Heya Outer, what's up?" Ink asked. I noticed that Dream and Error were also there. I knew that Ink and Error had started to get along, but it was still strange seeing the two in the same AU and not going at each others throats.

"Hi Ink, Dream, Error.... so... I sorta need to tell you something.... I haven't been, completely honest with ya. Remember when you asked me about C0de?" I asked, and Ink nodded, seeming a bit confused about where I was going with this.

"Well... I actually had known him at the time... for about three and a half weeks... Star had found him barely alive in the forest so we took him to Alphys and got him patched up.... I did make the offer and he sometimes comes to Outertale... sorry I didn't tell you, I had wanted to, but even at the mere mention of your name he seemed to freak out" I explained. Ink simply nodded, and Error was acting like it didn't interest him, Dream however was leaning forward with curiosity.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts, while Ink made a table and chairs for us to sit at. Error sat down, playing Cats cradle with his blue strings.

"Well, have you learned anything about C0de?" Ink asked now.

"Yah... and it's... a little disturbing...." I said, Dream frowning in concern.

"What do you mean?" Dream asked, his usually cheery voice now heavy with worry.

"Well first off... C0de has a lot more scars then you might think... and you were right Ink, most of them were self inflicted." As I said this Ink frowned and Dream went wide eyed.

"MoRe sCaRs tHeN wE MiGhT tHiNk?" Error asked now, and I nodded, pulling out some of my notes that I had made the first day we had found C0de.

"Yah, along with the chips and cracks on his skull, he has quite a few on his right arm, on his collarbone, and his ribs look like they have been broken and never properly healed.... not to mention there are ones and zeros carved into his legs." I explained. Ink looked shocked, Error had a grim expression and Dream looked nauseous.

"He also.... well.... it's a little hard to explain, and I have no idea what could have caused it, but on his left shoulder, it looks like something may have stabbed the bone there and it's like a spiderweb of cracks all of which are black as the void. And the cracks seem to run down his arm stopping around the middle of his forearm." I explained, the other three now making confused expressions.

"What else have you learned?" Ink asked now.

"Well, this is just a theory, but I think he might have Onomatophobia, or the fear of certain words, sentances, or names." I voiced my idea.

"Really? What words?" Dream asked now.

"Well, he acts up if anyone tries to call him Sans.... but, it was most obvious when Star called C0de his friend... so I think that might be a big trigger, as he won't let anyone call him their friend.... come to think of it, he seems to be uncomfortable in general with anyone implying that they care about him in any way..." I said, thinking back to how he reacted to certain things.

"That's.... horrible... you mean he is scared of having friends? Of people caring about him? How could someone be afraid of that?" Dream asked, the usually happy skeleton now clearly distraught.

Ink placed a hand on Dreams shoulder.

"I cOuLd tHiNk oF a fEw rEaSoNs..." Error said now, and we all looked to him.

1231 words!

Heya sorry for not updating for a while there, I've been trying to think of how to progress the story, but I think I know how I want things to go now. And yes I'm leaving it on a cliff hanger XD. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

-Equanox 💙🐉

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