In your place

250 12 6

-Ma1ice's PoV-

I managed to open a portal back to the castle and my room, collapsing on the ground as I gripped at my skull and growled in anger. How dare that virus try to get free and ruin my plans. The stabbing pain caused by Zer0 trying to communicate with Outer was making my vision blurry, and I could feel Zer0 trying to break free of my hold inside my mind, causing jolts of pain like electricity to go through my bones. Eventually I couldn't help but let out a shout of pain, yelling in anger as I gripped at my skull while curled up on the floor.

I could barely register the sound of footsteps outside my room as I tightly closed my eyes. A hesitant couple of knocks came at my door followed by Dust's voice.

"Hey you okay in there?" He asked.

I grit my teeth, trying to get a hold of myself as I managed to speak.

"Yah... 'm fine" I managed to grunt out loud enough for the other to hear.

I heard him shuffle on the other side of the door, before he said a soft "kay" and walked away.

The pain was starting to dull now, as Zer0 struggled less and less, clearly running out of energy to keep fighting me. I sat up, leaning against the side of my bed as I let heavy breaths leave me.

I closed my eyes, leaning my head back as I sighed in annoyance.

-mindscape Zer0's PoV-

After trying to break free for so long without pause, I was exhausted, still unable to reach the vision of C0de who was sat hunched over on himself still being bombarded with the self hate and voices of the vices that kept me restrained.

Only now did I realise just how weak I have become, neglecting my own duty and becoming less of who was once supposed to be and more like a mortal. Because of that I didn't even have control over the very thing I was supposed to guard over, instead they overpowered me.

Something caught my attention, making me look up now. It was the one that called himself Ma1ice. He approached me, looking down at me and then over at the figment of C0de.

"Funny isn't it? How his own actions and repressed memories have made him so pitifully weak... and you... Sin Echo of Hate, guardian of Vices... have become so lenient in your own duties that the very thing you were supposed to be the guardian of is now your prison..." Ma1ice spoke, looking back to me as I glared at him.

"You should really just behave and let me do my thing... you have no control here anymore... when I'm done with this, you will thank me... I'll make you stronger than you were before... and as for C0de... well either he will learn to accept himself... or I'll destroy him. Either way I win... so how about you just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show." He spoke with a smirk, snapping his fingers and allowing me to see what he was seeing now.

"I'll let you watch... just don't make me take away this privilege or you will regret it..." he growled.

I only nodded, still tired from trying to get control back.

Ma1ice seemed pleased by this, as the image of him disappeared, and I could see the room, he opened his eyes and I could feel him smile.

-real world Ma1ice's PoV-

"Much better" I smiled, standing up and stretching a little to get the feeling back in my bones.

Glancing at the clock I realised now why I felt so stiff, I had been sitting like that for three hours. A sigh left me, as I left my room to go get something to eat.

A slight smile spread over my face as I could tell Zer0 agreed with my choice, some fruit sounded great right about now.

As I walked into the kitchen I saw Killer and Cross sitting at the table casually talking about knives and eating. They paused when I entered, Cross giving me a slight wave, I simply nodded and went to the fridge to get my prized snack.

Some mangoes and bananas would make a great smoothie. I grabbed what I needed, peeling and putting the mangos with my claws easily and getting some ice cream to make my smoothie. I could tell Cross was watching me, and I sighed.

"What's the matter... do you want one or something?" I growled out the question in annoyance.

"Oh uh... well if you're offering?" He replied.

I sighed, nodding slightly without looking back. I grabbed out more ingredients.

"You want one too Killer?" I grumbled out the question.

"Sure" I heard the other say calmly.

Despite me sounding angry about it, I actually didn't mind making more, it gave me an excuse to nibble on the bit of mango stuck to the peels while I waited for the ingredients to blend.

Opening the lid I took a spoon and gave the smoothie a taste, thinking for a moment, it needed a pinch of salt.

When I grabbed the salt I heard Cross make a confused sound. I couldn't help but chuckle now.

"Salt can work to enhance the flavor of any dish when used properly, even in sweet things it works well to add a pinch of salt to bring out more flavor. I spoke as I finished the treat and poured three glasses for each of us. I turned and set a glass of smoothie in front of Killer and Cross before taking my own seat.

"Huh... you know I didn't think you were the kind of person to like making smoothies or be so... nice? I guess... I mean you just seem so cruel I never thought that you would know anything about cooking or offer to make others something" Cross said now. Killer nodded, seeming to agree.

I chuckled slightly now, "I may seem very different from C0de, but we are still technically the same person, I just have the parts of him he repressed out of guilt, fear, and self hate... I can be nice when I want to be... he can be cruel and sadistic if he wanted to be... but he decided to deny that side of us... I didn't..." I shrugged, sipping on my smoothie happily.

The other two exchanged glances, seeming slightly surprised by this revelation. I smiled, amused by their reactions. Relaxing a bit was rather nice now that Zer0 wasn't throwing a fit like a little child.

1105 words!

I know it's been a while since I've posted, and I'm sorry about that. I've been very busy with school and a number of other things. But none of my stories are dead, I will just be very slow to update them most likely. Either way I hope you enjoyed this chapter, stay Determined my Dragonletts!

- Equanox 🐉💙

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