Target Located

302 18 5

-Dreams PoV-

When C0de ran off, I wanted to stop him, but I was scared, scared Blue would be hurt more, scared that C0de might attack, I was just scared and I hated it, especially upon seeing the look of guilt and horror in his eyelights before he ran off.

I gently made Blue lay down so I could start healing him before calling Ink.

"Heya Dream what's up?" I hear Inks voice on the other side of the phone.

"You need to get over here now, C0de freaked out and now Blue is injured and I have no idea where C0de is" I replied, still trying to heal the damage C0de had inflicted to my friend.

Not a moment later, Ink was kneeling on the other side of Blue opposite to me and helping to heal him.

"I don't know for sure what happened, but I think his emotions got the better of him and out of instinct he lashed out... but the fact that he could use magic even while wearing that collar and the fact he opened a portal into another AU shouldn't even be possible... if he isn't already dust from it... he will be in incredible amounts of pain I'd imagine." I deduced from what I knew about the magic blocking device on C0de's neck.

Ink sighed, "this is really quite bothersome... if your brother finds him, there's no telling what could happen... especially if what you said is true. Not to mention it is nearly impossible for me to track him." Ink mumbled, shaking his head.

After a good couple of minutes we managed to heal Blue up by working together.

I felt bad about what happened to Blue, in a way feeling like it was slightly my fault that all this happened.

-??? PoV-

I was rather bored at my sentry station already, and it hadn't even been an hour. I was wondering if I could go to the door before my brother came to check on me when I felt a sudden pressure that made me a little dizzy.

In a way it felt like the air and space nearby had been warped and bent, just a feeling of something being not right before the feeling went away just as quickly.

Slowly I stood up, going towards where I thought the source of the disturbance was.

After maybe a half hour of walking I was pretty sure I was lost now. Still I continued, being rather shocked when I found a concerning amount of red, I assumed it was blood, in the snow.

Looking around I noticed some footprints heading off through the snow, based on the movements the owner must be either in a daze, in a lot of pain, or badly injured. Heck for all I know it could be all three.

Following the tracks further into the forest I was slightly confused when they stopped in front of a large tree. Though it took a moment I finally noticed that the tree was hollow and to my utter shock, curled up inside the tree was a skeleton who looked to have seen better days.

"What the heck is even going on?" I mumbled very softly, not wanting to wake the monster before me.

-Nightmares PoV-
It was very noticeable to me when a sudden wave of negativity came from some old AU that a lot of people seemed to forget, I know I did.

A dark grin grew over my face, C0de was no longer being hidden, no longer protected by my brother or his friends.

A deep chuckle escaped me, plans forming in my mind as I smirked.

"Cross! Get your ass over here.... you have a new mission" I shouted, my dark voice booming out through my castle.

Cross suddenly teleported to stand before me, kneeling. "Yes King Nightmare?" He asked in a monotone voice.

"The one I had been waiting for has finally shown himself, I want you to go fetch him for me..... you have permission to use as much force as you want, just bring him back alive" I commanded.

Cross nodded, "as you wish my King. Who is my target and what AU must I go to?" He inquired.

"His name, is C0de, if you must have a description or information ask one of the others, Horror, Dust or Killer can tell you more. As for the AU he is in.... you will be going to Humantale." My grin was malicious to be sure. Cross only nodded in response to this, teleporting away.

"Well brother... seems you couldn't quite help him... now it's my turn" I spoke to the empty room, a dark laughter echoing throughout the castle from me.

Everything was going just as planned, soon C0de, you will be mine. You will cause chaos in my name, and I will indulge in that delicious misery of yours.

-Cross PoV-
A sigh escaped me as I walked up to Dust and Killer, hoping they would tell me what I needed to know.

"The boss is sending me out to go, 'retrieve' some guy called C0de, told me I should ask you guys for more info." I spoke calmly, really just wanting to get this over so I could eat some chocolate in peace.

Killer stiffened slightly, "oh... heh... good luck bud... you're gonna need it.... just a warning, don't underestimate the guy, he has like, two sides, C0de and Zer0, C0de is pretty strong by himself... but Zer0 is definitely the one you gotta watch out for." Dust said, Killer nodding.

"What do you mean?" My interest was now piqued, it was rare that both Dust and Killer would speak so highly of another, or agree with each other.

"Well, first off he's ridiculously fast, and seems to be a good strategist... he has abilities that are really fucked up... don't let him get your soul.... and he has a shit tone of LV." Killer explained.

I frowned slightly, yah maybe he sounded strong, but not that impressive. "Okay? I mean, it's not that great" I mumbled.

"Cross, this guy took on Killer, Horror and myself all at the same time and didn't even break a sweat. Then he like... controlled Horror and forced him to attack us before almost killing him and just, walking away. He treated it all like a fucking game!" Dust snapped, he must have insinuated that I was calling him weak.

I knew that neither of those three were weak, so it was a little hard to believe what Dust was telling me.

"So then what does this guy look like?" I finally asked.

"Oh you will know it's him the moment you see him. A skeleton covered in scars and chips, really fucking tall, wears black a lot and a trench coat with a red to black scarf.... oh he also glitches sometimes I think... basically he looks like a prisoner of war from multiple wars and went through hell and back again." Killer explained.

Shouldn't be too hard to find him.

1175 words!

And so yah, I did this... sorry it's not the best. I have plans for the near future, but expect things to get worse before they get better for our little C0de. Hope you at least enjoyed, and yah, sorry I haven't updated this for so long.

- Equanox 🐉💙

C0deta1e an Undertale AUWhere stories live. Discover now