Bittersweet Memories

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-Nightmare's PoV-
I had chained the unconscious C0de to the wall of his cell, stepping back to examine him better. A slight frown spread over my expression, C0de was just brimming with negativity, yet it was not the same as I remembered.

Before most of the negativity coming from C0de was due to Zer0, but now, I couldn't even sense the other, all that delicious negativity was coming just from C0de.

I rolled my shoulder, hearing a satisfying pop sound. It would seem I may have to alter my plans slightly, oh well.

After a bit I decided to take a look at some of his memories, though it was surprisingly easy to do so.

Sitting on a chair I relaxed as I reviewed some memories, seeing glimpses of his Papyrus, as well as him doing his job.

His merciless methods of execution were quite impressive, that was until I looked at the jumbled memories he had of his final fights against the human who killed his brother.

Some of those kills were quick, over in seconds. However upon digging deeper I found suppressed memories of hours, maybe days of him just slowly torturing the human.

A grin spread across my face, already ideas were forming in my mind on how I could manipulate his memories into nightmares to break him.

Lifting his chin with a tentacle, I smirked. This was going to be quite fun, that's for sure.

-Time skip-
-C0de's PoV-
I couldn't recall what happened before I had passed out, or anything after. But when I did wake up, I was no longer in the hollowed out tree. Instead I found myself in a dimly lit cell with my arms chained to the wall. The room was cold and slightly damp, no windows meant I couldn't tell what time of day or night it might be.

My entire body was sore, and my head throbbed with pain when I tried to move my head to look around. My vision was still quite blurry, but soon it focused enough for me to make out a figure sitting in a chair near the far wall.

For a moment I couldn't tell who it might be, but soon key features became apparent, and it became obvious that the other was the Dark King himself, Nightmare.

Panic struck me, especially when I tried to talk to Zer0 only to find him gone, and utter terror started to sink in from the gnawing silence.

"Ah I see you're finally awake. Welcome to my castle C0de..." Nightmare spoke with a cold mocking tone.

Still, even hearing his voice was better then the quiet. I tried to croak out a response, only to find that my throat was so dry that I couldn't make a sound other then a soft raspy wheeze.

Nightmare laughed at this, clearly amused by the state I was in. Despite my condition I still tried to glare at him, but without Zer0, I felt weak and alone.

"I will give you food and water, not because I want to comfort you, but because I can't have my new toy dying on me... if you learn to behave, then I MIGHT take your chains off... but... that won't happen for a while... either way, you'd better get used to this, because you're going to be here for a long time." Nightmare purred, laughing at the defeated look on my face.

-Nightmare's PoV-
A laugh escaped me, feeling a smug satisfaction at just how helpless my prisoner was in front of me.

I couldn't help but savor the look in his eyelights, I could tell he was already loosing hope and courage. His fear and depression was delicious, but I wanted to enjoy it all, make it last so I could indulge in his misery.

Satisfied that he knew his place for now, I turned and left the cell, closing the large heavy metal door with the resounding bang of it being shut.

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