Malicious Intent

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-Nightmare's PoV-
I had frozen up when C0de let out that chilling scream. The sound was beyond being just soul wrenchingly broken, it was also unnatural sounding.

I didn't know if my plan had worked, as there was after that sound, no feelings that I could sense in him for a moment. His body was limp, and I was wondering if he was still knocked out.

I got my answer when he slowly lifted his head to look at me, his sockets empty, no they weren't empty, it was like within them were two black holes that allowed no light to escape them leaving the sockets to be like endless voids.

I waited for him to speak, to do something other then just watch me. He slowly tilted his head, glitching slightly as he smiled.

A single feeling radiated off him towards me, as if telling me what he was. Because at this moment I knew, this was not the same person I had been torturing.

That feeling was pure malice, there were no other emotions from him and I wondered how that was even possible.

"Hello C0de" I spoke coldly, yet he shook his head no.

"Interesting, well if you are not C0de... are you Zer0?" I asked, my curiosity now peeked.

He shook his head, smiling.

"We... are... neither... we are... both... we... are Ma1ice" his voice glitching and distorting when he spoke his new name, still watching me with those empty eyes.

"Malice huh? I assume then you are another being like Zer0, just possessing his body?" I inquired, wondering just how many demons this guy was hiding.

A broken raspy laugh escaped him now, his smile growing wider.

"No... still C0de... the part... he locked away... I am... his malice... part of C0de... but not at the same time... the darkest part... of his mind... so you can... call me what... I am... Ma1ice" he spoke again, his voice sounding so raspy like he had never spoken before, and once again glitching and distorting when speaking his name.

"I... see.... well then Malice... I will give you a choice... do as I say, work for me... and I will let your out of this cell, or refuse and stay here." My voice was calm and smooth.

To my surprise he smiled and nodded, bowing his head to me. "I am yours to command" he spoke before going silent again.

I felt myself grin at his response, snapping my fingers the chains binding him fell off with a clatter. He slowly stood, stretching as some popping sounds came from his body. It was surprising just how tall he was, he was easily taller than me, probably around the height of Echotale Sans.

Smirking I motioned for him to follow me with one of my tentacles. He did so in silence as I lead him to the main floor.

-Killer's PoV-
I had just gotten back a few hours ago and was just getting some food for myself when that horrifying scream echoed through the castle. I froze in shock, glancing at the others who seemed just as startled. Horror was gripping tightly to his axe and even Dust seemed nervous and tense.

After a few seconds of dead silence I forced myself to relax a little and returned to what I was doing.

Maybe five minutes later I heard footsteps approaching, probably the boss.

With all of us sitting in the main livingroom relaxing, it was oddly quiet. Horror had gone back to sharpening his axe while Cross returned to polishing his own massive blade.

Everyone felt the change in the air, telling us Nightmare had entered the room, but there was also another feeling that made my spine tingle and put me on edge.

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