Game Masters and Gaster Blasters

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"This is going to be SOOOO much FUN!" Zer0 cackled madly, smiling at me with his head tilted slightly.

"Fuck" was all I managed to say.

-Red's PoV-

I barely had time to dodge the sudden bone attack, jumping to the side and rolling to keep myself from face planting.

The lunatic just let out a giggle, glitching and smiling at me.

"What was that about someone being pathetic?" Zer0 asked, tapping his chin in a mockery of deep thought before grinning.

I growled in anger, launching my own barrage of bones at Zer0. I smirked, thinking for sure I would hit him, he didn't even try to move out of the way.

Zer0 gave me a smirk that for some reason made my blood run cold, before seeming to vanish, teleporting behind me and, wait did those green cords of energy turn into claws?

"Fuck!" I gasped, as while I had managed to evade the full force of the attack, he still caught my arm with those strange glowing claws. Despite wearing my jacket those claws easily shredded my sleeve  and left deep marks in my arm.

Breathing heavily after teleporting a bit away I was rather appalled at the sight of that... thing... licking the marrow from his claws with a black almost snake like tongue, smirking at me. It sent shivers through me that made my bones rattle a little.

"You made a VERY big mistake the moment you underestimated me bud.... but you're a fun little play thing, so I won't kill you just yet, I still want to hear you scream" Zer0 grinned sadistically as I trembled.

"I won't make the mistake of underestimating you this time you sick fuck" I snapped. He was getting to me, pushing my buttons, I simply wanted to get this over with and then drown the memory of all this in mustard.

Knowing I wouldn't be able to keep trading blows with this guy I decided to bet it all on one finishing attack, knowing it would drain my magic, but I was pretty sure he'd be dust by the time it was over.

Quickly I used my magic to turn him blue, making him unable to move as he screamed in anger, then I surrounded him with blasters, preparing to fire. And yet this Zer0 guy was, smiling!

I snarled and let loose the blast, the area he where he was stood consumed in a flash of light by the multiple blasts.

Breathing hard I waited for the smoke and dirt to clear, though there was probably just a crater there now.

My jaw nearly hit the ground when I saw chunks of stone tinted with black and green lines as well as 1s and 0s in a sort of egg shape in the middle of a crater. The rocks crumbling away to revile a completely unscathed Zer0, grinning like a maniac.

"H-how?" I asked.

"I... can break... the code" Zer0 said with a cruel laugh.

-Meanwhile in the Anti-void-

Ink and Error were in the middle of a fight after Ink had come to confront Error to once again try to convince him to stop destroying. Suddenly however both gods felt a strange shaking like a small earthquake only for Ink to then start throwing up black ink. Error simply stared at the creator until he was done emptying his non existant stomach.

"How..... HOW IS AN AU BEING DESTROYED WHEN YOU'RE RIGHT HERE?!" Ink screamed at Error making the darker boned skeleton back up for a moment.

Error seemed confused for a moment at Inks words.

"Do you have a new ally? Is there another destroyer like you out there!?" Ink demanded, glaring at Error with a mixture of pain and anger.

"WhAt aRe YoU tAlKiNg AbOuT sQuId? I'm tHe oNlY oNe aS fAr aS I kNoW" Error replied, an uneasy feeling now creeping into his mind making him glitch more. If there was another destroyer it would flip the Balance too much.

"Then... who?" Ink asked softly, their fight forgotten now.

"DoN't kNoW sQuId.... wHaT AU iS iT?" Error asked now, wanting to get to the bottom of this quickly.

"Underfell" Ink replied softly, trying not to throw up again.

Quickly Error opened up the code and looked at Underfell only to find a new unknown code in the AU that was causing havoc, and that Red was in a fight.

"InK.... I tHiNk wE sHoUlD cAlL a TrUcE fOr nOw... lEt'S gO cHeCk wHaT's gOiNg oN." Error suggested seriously.

After a moment Ink nodded, slowly standing he opened a portal to Underfell with his paintbrush and the two opposites jumped through.

-Back in Underfell-
-Zer0's PoV-

While I had to admit this Red guy wasn't a bad fighter, he still annoyed the piss out of me. Only through hacking the code was I able to survive that last massive attack, but it was obvious Red was out of magic now, breathing hard and staring at me.

"Wh-who.... what... are you?" Came the smaller skeletons shaky voice. I could only grin darkly holding up my left hand and showing the weak thing how little power it had compared to me by ripping open part of the code, causing parts of his AU to distort slightly.

"I... am the TRUE master of this GAME!" I chuckled darkly at the fear in the smallers expression.

"For fuck sakes Zer0 you're such an idiot why the fuck would you do that to the codes!? Others will notice and we'll get our ass handed to us you fucking idiot!" C0de yelled in my skull, trying to get control back desperately.

"Fine let them come... I've been itching for a real fight" I spoke out loud, making Red look at me confused, but still scared.

"No you Morron you're going to get us both killed!" C0de screamed making me twitch in annoyance. I pulled out the sleek bone blaster pistol and held it up to the side of my skull now.

"How about you shut up before I blast you out of this thick skull of ours?" Came my growl. Red went wide eyed at what he was seeing.

Just then a portal opened behind me and two gods walked out to look upon the scene, destruction and creation both frozen in shock of what they saw.

"What did I fucking tell you?" C0de hissed.

I let out a piercing scream of frustration and anger that sounded more like a beast then a person, still holding the gun to the side of my head while clawing at my skull with my other hand, drawing marrow and making deep scratches.

1113 words!

This probably isn't too good, I only have a vague idea of where this story will go and end up, but other then that I'm doing it all from the top of my head.

Post edit: I had forgotten  this song even existed and after listening to it again I can't imagine a better song for the relationship between C0de and Zer0 right now especially in this chapter.

-Equanox 🐉💙

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