Sin, Echo of Hate

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-A few days later-
-C0de's PoV-

Over the last few days the happy yellow one Dream has done his best to keep Nightmare from attacking me in my dreams again. It's been rather strange not having to constantly battle Zer0 to keep control of myself, he's actually not that bad of a conversationalist to be honest. Though the others still seemed rather nervous whenever I start talking to Zer0, probably because I look like I'm talking to myself.

"Maybe it would be a good idea to start writing in a journal? Outer might have a point... it will probably help deal with things" Zer0 casually commented, floating near me in a relaxed way.

"Yah... maybe... by the way, when do you plan to tell me whatever the fuck is so important to make even you pause?" I asked now, looking up at him.

Outer looked up from the book he was reading, curiosity gracing his features for a moment before he must have simply shrugged it off as me talking to Zer0 again.

Now it was Zer0's turn to look rather unsure, not making eye contact and mumbling half made excuses.

I arched a non-existent eyebrow at him, silently urging him to actually speak.

Zer0 sighed loudly, startling me a little. "Fine... but... not with others around... tell Outer you're gonna go lay down for a bit okay?" Zer0 finally spoke, nervously scratching at his arms.

I nodded slightly, standing up calmly and grabbing Outer's attention. "I'm gonna go lay down for a bit..." I said in a rather bored tone, stretching slightly before heading upstairs to my room.

Upon entering my room I decided to close the curtains for a little more privacy, then I sat on my bed with my back to the headboard and waited for Zer0 to show himself again.

Zer0 didn't make me wait too long, as I could soon see his ghostly form seated across from me in the middle of the bed.

I could feel the tension in the air now, it was obvious how uncomfortable Zer0 was with whatever he needed to tell me.

Finally after what felt like hours, Zer0 spoke "okay... so... there's a lot that I need to tell you... and... you will probably loathe me even more by the end of this... but... I guess you deserve to know... I will explain what I can, and what I can remember. All I ask is that you don't interrupt me... okay?" He asked in an oddly soft voice.

I nodded my head slowly after a moment of thought, agreeing to his terms.

He let out a soft breath, almost like a sigh as he moved his arms like he was displaying something in front of us. I felt a gentle tug as my Soul came out and hovered in front of us. "As you know... all living beings have a soul, it's the natural order of things of course... but in the very beginning this was not the case... the world was dark, and only one being inhabited the vast emptiness... this being had a Soul, the first Soul. Its Soul shone like a diamond, and within it was every colour imaginable... but they were lonely. So in an attempt to fill the emptiness, this being took small pieces of its Soul and created the first life... and the first beings to have traits, these were the pure children. So infatuated with their children, the being continued to chip off pieces of their own Soul to create more beings, not knowing that they were slowly killing themselves. This went on for eons, and they had seen their children grow and have children of their own. They also witnessed the birth of Vices, and began to fear the repercussion of these new Vices to the Traits. However by this time, the first being had expended almost all of their power, and only two small fractions of their original Soul remained. These two parts were Love, and Hate. Seeing the vices evolve to things like Fear, Lust, and Greed, the being tried to pull the traits and vices back, but could not. Thus with no other choice the first one created their final two children; Love, who would bear all traits and the pure benevolence of innocence, and Hate, who would bear all Vices and the impure malevolence of Sin." Zer0 paused now, having shown different visions of Souls as he spoke.

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