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-Outer's PoV-

I was pacing back and forth in the main area of the lab, contemplating what I should do. On one hand I knew that C0de needed help, and that for whatever reason I felt like I should at least help him get it, but on the other hand I didn't know who I should talk to about this, who I should tell.

Sitting down I came to a decision, I'd make a list of names, show C0de and find out if he knew any of the people, and go from there, after all I didn't exactly want to surprise a guy who is potentially unstable and maybe dangerous.

Off the top of my head I wrote down the following names;

Ink Sans

Dream Sans

Science Sans

Underswap Sans

Deciding that this was a good place to start I went to go talk to C0de, giving a knock on the door to let him know I was coming in.

-C0de's PoV-

I looked up when I heard a knock at the door, Outer coming in after a moment with a notebook in hand, he took a seat across from me.

"So C0de, I was thinking for a bit, and I've come to the conclusion, based on what I know about you, that you need help, or at least some friends." Outer said.

Already I could feel myself cringing inside, wondering if Outer had already done something stupid.

"I don't need anyth-" I tried to say but was promptly interrupted by Outer.

"Look if there's one thing I know for sure it's that you need someone to talk to, someone who is real. I know you're going to be difficult and stubborn, it's sort of a theme with us. So just give me the benefit of the doubt. Here, I wrote down some names of other Sans' that I thought may be able to help a bit, do you recognise any of these names?" Outer said as he handed me the notebook.

I took it and looked at the first name, freezing up at the thought of the God of Creation. Outer seemed to notice this and frowned slightly.

"Tsch fine, I know about each of these people, I can tell you right now, things will not go well for anyone if Ink and I meet... I have nothing against Dream, Underswap Sans, or Science Sans, though I don't exactly trust any of them either." I said bluntly.

"You don't trust anyone, not even yourself. It's sort of sad that the only one you have to talk to is me, and even then you only talk to me because we share the same skull. You're alone because you push others away, you even push yourself away." Zer0 remarked snidely, making me scowl.

Outer was watching me the entire time, taking in everything I said. He then nodded and sat back in his chair, seeming to think for a bit.

"I know I can't force you to talk to anyone, but at the same time you probably need it more then even you understand." Outer paused now, thinking. "Well I guess as long as you don't cause trouble for my AU then you're welcome to come here if you just need somewhere to think." He offered.

It only took me a second to accept, "As long as you don't go telling other AUs about me being here without my permission then I suppose that would be a good arrangement." I mused.

Even Zer0 seemed content with the idea, seems that I might finally have one way to get him to leave me alone.

"Just be aware that I've made the same deal with other Sans' too, so it's not unlikely that you may meet a Sans from another AU if you come here." Outer warned.

"Oh that won't be a problem, I'd know if another Sans came to this AU" I said casually.

This seemed to greatly confuse Outer, and I couldn't help but smirk a little, "I've got my ways" I said, pondering if I could show him my abilities. After a moment I shrugged, showing him how I could access the code, though I was careful not to alter anything, no need to give away my location to Ink or Error.

Outer looked at me like I had three eyes or something, making me chuckle a little.

"Ummm I guess I should have guessed by your name" Outer said, rubbing the back of his skull with a soft laugh.

-Ink's PoV-

After I finished fixing the code of Underfell I decided to talk to Dream, while Error would talk to Nightmare. Our goal was to find out if either of them had ever seen this C0de guy's dreams or nightmares, and if we could find out more about him. However our search turned up blank, and both Error and myself were sort of at a loss as to where else to look.

"How could this guy, someone who's obviously quite powerful, go unnoticed for so long? And how could no one even know he existed? I mean, not even Dream or Nightmare knew about this guy...." I said, slumping down and sighing.

"I dOn'T kNoW SqUiD.... cOmE tO tHiNk oF iT, HiS cOdE wAs oFf LiKe iT ShOuLdN't, nO LiKe iT DoEsN't eXiSt" Error pondered.

"The only time I can recall something like that happening.... Wait, he couldn't be... an Outcode?" I mumbled.

"WhAt'S aN OuTcOdE?" Error asked.

"Well.... they're kind of like viruses, but not exactly... The only way I know of them existing are being that have nowhere to belong to.... yah you and I could be considered like that but not really, I have the Doodle Sphere and you have the Anti-Void... Outcodes don't have anything.... or, maybe the place they used to belong to no longer exists?" I tried to explain.

"DoEs tHaT mEaN CrOsS iS aN OuTcOdE?" Error asked now.

"No, Cross is not an Outcode, because while his AU has been destroyed, or well wiped clean, the base of it was never fully destroyed, so he still has an AU, it's just blank." I said, sitting up now.

This could actually explain quite a bit once I thought about it. But at the same time, the predicament of this person is also very sad, even for someone who has fake emotions.

"Wait, didn't he ask where you were when his AU when to shit or something like that? That means.... oh fuck... that... damn... He used to have an AU... and.... and something happened to it" I mumbled softly.

Everything just kept getting more and more complicated the more we figured things out.

1110 words!

Sorry for the wait, I got sick and had no motivation for the last week or so, but I'm doing much better now. I know this story is sort of going a little slow right now, I'm still figuring out how I can move it forwards. On another note, I'm debating making another AU, I know I know, a little much right? But if I make another AU I was thinking of tying it into C0de's story, maybe eventually my little bean can have a best friend <3 eh I don't know, sort of just going with the flow. If I do actually sit down and write out the idea it will probably go in my other book and I'll just change the title to be just AU Bios and Art just to keep everything in one place.

-Equanox 🐉💙

C0deta1e an Undertale AUWhere stories live. Discover now