The Newcomer

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-Inks PoV-

Upon stepping through the portal Error and I stopped in our tracks upon seeing the stranger standing in a crater with a pistol made of bone pressed against his skull. His looks were striking to say the least, and he seemed to glitch to a lesser extent. The new skeleton turned to look at Error and I before suddenly letting out an ear splitting scream that made everyone wince. I was stunned at seeing this unknown skeleton clawing and chipping away at the bone of his own face, shaking and growling.

Red noticed us and with what little energy he could muster he rushed over to me, seeming to hesitate upon seeing Error beside me.

Error however was glitching out more then normal, staring at the stranger who was now cackling and laughing like a psychopath.

"Red what's going on here, who is that?" I asked, confused and needing answers.

"Well umm... that guy... so Boss and I found him wondering around, I was told to take care of him... but just to be sure I Checked him... I could barely get any information other then his name being C0de.... then something about him changed, so I Checked him again only to see all his stats were gone and he had a new name, Zer0, and the words 'Get. AWAY' then we started fighting... but... I'm out of magic and haven't hit him once, somehow my final attack didn't even leave a scratch!" Red explained as quickly as he could.

"He'S eVeN mOrE oF a gLiTcH tHeN I aM" Error mumbled, looking around and then back to this Zer0 fella.

"He looks pretty unstable, maybe we should try talking to him first?" I suggested softly. Error shrugged, though staying ready in case they were attacked.

Slowly I took a step forward towards this Zer0 guy, who had paused and was looking at me blankly, gun no longer against his skull and arms just hanging limp at his sides.

"Hey there buddy, my name's Ink, do you think we could maybe have a little chat?" I asked, showing my open palms to look as nonthreatening as possible.

"Oh I know who you are, we both do isn't that right C0de? Hehehe... yah... you're the so called god of creation who can't take any responsibility, the one who just keeps creating and then ignores his creations afterwards, letting them fall into chaos once he gets bored of them." Zer0 said plainly, staring me down. His gaze was rather unnerving even to me, and the way he was speaking somehow it just sounded wrong.

Zer0 then looked at Error, "we also know about you... Error the god of destruction, charged by Fate to be the other side of the balance, Inks opposite, so that the multiverse doesn't fall apart... if I'm not mistaken you target unstable AUs, or new undeveloped ones... well I guess I'll ask the question on C0de's behalf. WHERE WERE YOU WHEN OUR AU WENT TO SHIT!?" The sudden change of tone from calm almost smug to completely enraged made all of us flinch.

Error was wide eyed and clearly tense, and I was just confused about this whole balance thing, but decided I'd ask Error about it later. For now we had to deal with this Zer0 guy.

"Well umm.... y-you seem to know a lot about us... how about you tell us about yourself?" I asked as gently as I could, not wanting to further provoke this guy. Though what he had said about me stung pretty bad.

"Ha! I'm Zer0, the voice that's usually stuck in C0des head... until I take over that is..." Zer0 paused for a moment, growling and hitting the side of his own skull with the side of that gun, "shut up I'll tell em what I wanna! Unlike you I'm not a coward.... anyways," Zer0 regarded us before continuing, "my  existence is not even within the realm you know of, I exist outside of the system, outside of the code of this multiverse... and so, I'm the one who's really in control in this GAME!" Zer0 began laughing and giggling insanely.

Everything he said only confused me more then before, but one thing was clear, this guy was bad news.

"So now that you know who I am, I'll be saying goodbye" Zer0 grinned, pointing his gun at me and shooting, the blast like a concentrated version of a gaster blaster beam. I barely managed to dodge, looking up as Error sent his blue strings at this Zer0 guy.

Zer0 growled, his left hand now having glowing claws that he used to shred through the strings just as Error pulled out his Soul. Zer0 screeched in anger when everyone saw their mangled looking soul that looked solid black. However upon breaking the strings Zer0 stumbled, growling in pain as his soul, still exposed, began to gain colour and how it apparently was supposed to look like.

"Ahhg N-NO! I'M NOT DONE YET!" Zer0 screamed, falling to his hands and knees as he seemed to change.

-Red's PoV-

I noticed that Zer0 was starting to change back to how he looked when I first saw him, turning back to C0de I assumed.

Once his Soul was back to how I first saw it, the skeleton threw up, that black liquid with 1s and 0s all over it. He was breathing hard, shaking, and still on his hands and knees.

Ink and Error both stopped attacking, staring at C0de in confusion. After wiping his mouth off he sat up, then went wide eyed, his bones starting to rattle in fear as he looked between Ink and Error.

"So tHeN yOu mUsT bE C0dE tHeN?" Error asked, still on guard about this guy.

"Are... you okay?" Ink asked after a moment.

C0de flinched, he looked exhausted, mentally and physically even, like he could pass out any moment.

Ink took a step forward and C0de flinched violently, opening a portal under him that he let himself fall into. Everyone could feel the distortion in the air caused by his magic, and it made me feel a little nauseous.

"Wait you're hurt!" Ink shouted, trying to get to the portal before it suddenly closed just before Ink could get through.

1047 words!

Yay this was fun, wonder if C0de is going to be okay, how will Ink and Error deal with this, and how will Error properly explain about his true role in the balance? Find out at some point in the future!

-Equanox 🐉💙

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