Crimson Wings

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The following chapter contains graphi scenes of extreme violence, gore, torture, mutilation and other such subjects. Viewer discretion is STRONGLY advised.

That being said, on with the chapter.

-Zer0's PoV-
My attention was once again drawn to the human and what C0de was doing. I could see that green colour glowing from his hands, it was almost like he was constantly healing the human to keep them alive and awake throughout all of this.

I struggled against whatever was holding me back, but still it was useless, and nobody could hear me.

(The graphic stuff starts very early this chapter)

Tilting his head C0de took the bones out of the humans legs, taking the very knife that the human had fought with before and slowly slicing the skin of their knees and shins. The cuts were not too deep, but the reasons became clear as C0de carefully began peeling and flaying off the layers of skin on the bottom part of their legs.

A grin stretched over his expression even more as he finished, taking a bone and breaking off parts of the nearby pillar, using magic to crumble the stone into small sharp pieces, and sprinkling the rubble across the ground a few feet away.

C0de then stood up, grabbing the child by their hair and dragging them away from the pillar. He raised a hand and two large bones shot up from the ground with enough space between them for the human. Taking each of the humans wrists he tied them with strips of the kids tattered shirt sleeves to each of the bones on either side, their arms forced up and apart so they were forced to stay on their bloodied knees, the sharp jagged pieces of rock and rubble C0de had placed on the ground was now gouging and digging into the raw exposed muscles and nerves of their legs.

Loud sobs and screams escaped from the human as the ground was stained crimson with their blood.

It was rather disturbing, the entire time C0de was unnervingly silent, just watching the human. The kid just begged and wailed for mercy, for death. C0de tilted his head, looking at the human and leaning very close to whisper in their ear so softly that I couldn't hear what was said. Yet the screams and pleas from the human were chilling to hear, utter terror dripping from every sound.

C0de dissapeared for only a second, before reappearing with a woodcutting axe resting lazily on his shoulder. I was confused, what was the point of going and getting...


It took a moment for my mind to register the brief sound of that axe hissing through the air before landing into the flesh of the human, who screamed out in agony.

C0de said nothing, the sound of him pulling the axe out of the kids back was sickening. My none existant stomach churning as he raised the axe up again with practiced ease and pinpoint perfect aim, bringing the already blood stained weapon down on the humans back again.

The entire time C0de continued to heal the human in a way that kept them alive without fixing the damage. He lifted the axe again, slamming it down right beside the spine of the kid. Along with the wet sickening sound there was also the thuds and cracks of the metal striking bone and breaking through it.

A few more horrifying scream filled minutes passed before C0de dropped the axe to the bloodied floor. He was breathing hard, like he was exerting a lot of energy, which he was with him constantly healing the kid to keep them alive.

Even I was hoping that this brutal display would end soon, it was sick and twisted beyond what I could have ever imagined.

C0de reached a hand into the bloodied mess of wounds on the humans back and seemed to grab something. The child was sobbing loudly in pain, begging for death. C0de seemed deaf to the kids pleas as he pulled on whatever her had gripped.

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