Seething Hatred

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-Outer's PoV-

As the dream ended everything was silent, I looked around at everyone, Ink had a look of confusion, Error looked like he was deep in thought, and Dream looked a little nauseous. Then I looked to Nightmare and noticed that he was shaking slightly, his single visible eye wide as he continued to stare at where the dream screen was.

"I'm... sure that I would have remembered creating an AU as unique as that... so then... how come I have no recollection of it?" Ink mumbled.

"ArE wE gOiNg tO cOmPlEtElY iGnOrE tHaT tHiNg wE sAw?" Error asked, his voice glitching out more then normal.

I looked towards Dream, then to Nightmare, "Hey um are you two okay?" I finally asked. Dream had gone to his hands and knees shaking violently and looking sick. While Nightmare was shaking a little and seem very tense, his negative aura seeming to have amplified.

"HeY gLoB, iXnEy oN tHe gLoOm cLoUd, iT LoOkS LiKe DrEaM MiGhT hUrL." Error said, seeming to catch Nightmare's attention.

The look Nightmare gave us when he slowly turned his head, it was a little startling to say the least, his expression held barely masked unease and shock.

"I have never... ever felt so much negativity from one being in the real world let alone a dream... That... thing... there is something going on that we don't know about and.... that thing is in the middle of it all..." Nightmare said in a dead voice. He seemed to be pulling back on his aura, but Dream still looked sick, maybe it was because of the thing in that dream and not because of Nightmare.

"I... there was some happiness in the dream... but... it wasn't pure happiness, it was shrouded with, regret... and... and... I don't understand, the dream I invoked was supposed to be a happy one.... how did it turn into this... this nightmare?" Dream managed to ask.

"Something tells me it has something to do with that... thing..." Ink said now.

Everyone was quiet for a moment, "Maybe we should check on C0de? I mean, just with a one way portal to see if anything is happening?" I asked, a little worried.

Error nodded, opening the one way portal that acted like a TV, allowing us to see into my AU where C0de was. What we saw was a bit of a shock, as C0de was clawing at his own skull and hyperventilating, tears streaming down his pale face as he mumbled incoherently, 1s and 0s starting to show around him, glitching all over as his form kept randomly distorting, some of the trees around him starting to seemingly glitch. Ink suddenly starting to look a little nauseous.

I looked to everyone, officially starting to freak out a little at what was happening. "What's going on with him? Why are things around him starting to glitch and shit!?" I asked, my voice raised in slight panic.

Error frowned "I'm gOiNg tO tRy aNd TeLePoRt HiM oUt oF yOuR AU." He said, readying his magical strings. Everyone backed up as Error opened the portal fully and quickly grabbed C0de with the strings, yanking him through.

C0de had a wide eyed look on his face, a look like that of a cornered and rabid animal that could attack at any moment. Error, not knowing if this skeleton was safe, kept a good distance and kept his blue strings wrapped around the shaking skeleton.

"No.... no no no no nonononono.." C0de mumbled over and over, his words beginning to slur together as he let out a broken sob. Dream looked at the seemingly mentally broken skeleton with a sad empathy filled look. "Please.... please please not again... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." C0de sobbed, not seeming to see anyone or even be able to register where he was, like he was still trapped in his own mind and illusion, still clawing at his skull and causing the bone to chip.

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