{{Carnival - V - BTS}}

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"Hey Jagi!" Taehyung said, flashing his large box smile. You smiled and walked up to him and the rest of the boy band BTS.

"Hey Y/N" Jimin greeted. The other boys noticed her and waved.

"Hey guys." You said back. You all walked into the carnival after paying. Once you stepped past the gate the sweet smell of sugary cotton candy hit your nose.

"What do you want to do first?" Namjoon asked the group. He had a small map and was scanning what to do with Jungkook.

"Could we get some cotton candy? It smells really good." You proposed. They all looked at each other and nodded in agreement. J-Hope insisted he pay so you let him. You walked around the park while you finished your cotton candy. Meanwhile, the boys were planning what to do next. Taehyung walked quietly beside you with your hand in his.

You stopped for a moment to through your trash away then continued with the group. Tae looked at you and gestured to his back. You immediately took the hint and climbed onto him. Your arms were loosely around his neck while his arms securly held you.

"Okay we have came to a conclusion!" Jimin announced, "Bumper cars!"

You loved bumper cars. You hoped off Taehyungs back and ran towards the bumper cars. The boys who were shortly behind, caught up and got in line.

You practically jumped in excitement while picking a car. Ready. Set. Go!

The round was agressive but fun. You were a bit worn out from it.

"We should go do the ferris wheel. I want to get good pictures before sunset." Taehyung said. You noticed he was swinging your attached hands. You especially loved this little mannerism. He was always happy when he did it.

You and the boys wandered over to the ferris wheel and got on. You and Taehyung of course shared a cart. It stopped at the very top which offered good picture opportunities.

"Y/N." Taehyung said which got your attention. You hummed in response.

"Thank you." He said gently. You put your head up from his shoulder to look at him.

"For what?" You questioned.

"For loving me." He added sweetly as he gently kissed the top of your head.

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