{{Transfer Student - Jaemin - NCT}}

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Note: Your parents are Korean and Minji is the 'default' name i will use if the character is Korean.

You looked up from your work when there was a soft knock on the door of the class. The teacher opened the door which revealed the principal and a small boy.

"Everyone this is our transfer student Jaemin. Please make him feel welcome," She introduced before hastily exiting the classroom. 

"You can sit by Minji" the teacher said as he pointed to the abandoned desk beside you. The boy walked over and sat down. He kept his head down which indicated he was shy. You had been in his shoes so you understood. When you were 8 you and your parents moved to the states from Korea, for better jobs. 

You looked at the timid boy before writing a note and slipping it on his desk.

'Where are you from? -Minji'

He scribbled an answer then 

'Korea -Jaemin'

You got excited by his answer and wrote 'me too' in Korean. When you passed the note he got excited as well. He wrote back in Korean.

'We'll talk more later. I don't want to get in trouble.'

Once class let out you started to talk to Jaemin in your native language. 

"So, your from Korea?" He asked.

"Yep. My parents and I moved here when I was 8." You explained. Jaemin was very attentive to your words. His brown hair and sweet smile stuck out to you. Your soft black hair and bright eyes stuck out to him. 

"I'm glad you are here, my English is not the best." He joked which made you laugh. 

"What is your schedule?" you asked. He looked at you and handed you his schedule that was in his hand. Your eyes glanced at the schedule of Jaemin.

You smiled and handed it back. "We have all the same classes." you chirped. He smiled as you walked to your next class. This was the start of a great friendship. Maybe more.

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