{{Café - Ayno - VAV}}

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You sat working on your computer. You had an essay to complete for one of your classes.



"I'm bored."

"Sorry, but I got to get this done. You don't have to sit with me if you don't want to." You explained to Ayno.

"Well it's one of my few days off and I'm spending every minute with you. No matter what." He was always sweet like this. You felt bad so you quickly finished.


"Really! Okay there is this really cool ice cream place I saw. I was thinking we could go." He said. His eyes were now beaming with excitement.

As soon as you stood up he practically dragged you out. He took you to an amazing ice cream place, paying for it all of course. Now you to were walking around a park enjoying your ice cream.

"Hey, I know this will sound stupid and you may not feel the same way," he started. He now looked up at you and took a deep breath. "I love you."

You didn't even think about it and said it back immediately. He then smiled and kissed you. You had kissed a few times before but now. Now it meant something so much more.

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