Chapter 4

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Three days passed and Tom only left his room when he had to shower or to eat. Occasionaly, he would take an armful of Smirnoff to his room to fall into a deep slumber. Edd felt awful to see his older brother always drunk and half awake.

Tord and Matt were worried also but Tord just didn't show it that much. He knew he was the one who caused Tom to hide away in his room  from the rest of them. He should've kept his mouth shut.

'What is wrong with you.'

'You shouldve kept your mouth shut.'

'How stupid of you.'

'He hates you now.'

Tord shook his head scaring his thoughts away. Sort of. He didn't want Tom to officially hate him to the point of no return.

Matt was sitting on the couch watching 'The Cats' and he didn't seem to notice Tord sit next to him on the red worn out cushion.

"Hey Matt, have you seen Edd?"

"Yeah. He left early to go the grocery store. He ran out of Cola and we also ran out of food. He says that he wasn't coming back until late."

"Whoa why?"

Matt sighs and stares at Tord giving him the 'I'm tired leave me alone' face. Tord glares back saying 'tell me or I will rip your face off.' Matt simply complies and answers.

"Don't know. He didn't explain why. I didn't push him to answer."

He then places his attention back on the Television ignoring Tord's existence once again. Before the Commie could do anything, a door had shut and Tom was walking down the stairs. His eyes had somewhat visible bags and his hair was a complete mess. He had a clean blue hoodie on with no shirt underneath. He wore ripped black jeans finishing it off with his checkered shoes.

"Where are you going?"


"Thomas. Where are you going?"

Nothing once again.

He continues walking and leaves the house. Tord wanted to follow the Blue man so that's what he did.

He goes outside and his grey eyes were covered with the darkness from outside. He was able to catch a glimpse of Tom walking down a sidewalk.

Tord didn't bother to tell anything to Matt and closed the door and started to follow the egyptian. The man takes a few lefts and rights before dissapearing into a crowd.


Tom had gone to the city. He needed to find a way to make Tord loose track of him. So why not take him to a place where there was huge crowds and bright lights.

He wasn't stupid. He heard the front door close. He heard footsteps behind him.

Tom had came to the city over the course of the few hundreds of years living there. It always impressed him all the time. Now in this era, bright lights were everywhere and stores were opened for shoppers. There was also small concerts played for the people there.

Tom had made a few friends who had taught him to play a bass guitar. He walked around until he got to the heart of the city.

He recognized them in the blink of an eye. One of them was Gray, he had long blonde hair that was tied in a low ponytail which was complemented with dark green eyes. He wore a red flannel over a white t-shirt. He had ripped jean pants and black and white converse.

Another friend of his was Larissa. She had short brown hair that was wavy. Her eyes were  dishwater so her left eye was bright blue and the other a bright green. She was wearing a pastel blue sweater with a heart cut out in the middle. She wore white ripped jeans and black and white converse also.

They both seemed to have noticed Thomas because they came running to him and gave him a death hug. They all laughed and let go of Tom.

"Where were you little fuck? You haven't came in three days."

"I just had a little problem at home with a roommate."

Gray then cutted in into the conversation.

"Which one. Purple, Green, or Red?"

"Red. Specifically."

"Ouch what did he do?"

"It's best if I don't speak about it."

The two backed off. They have known Tom since 300 years back. They learned about his past and learned that he's one of their ancestors since they were both egyptian also. They didn't get to meet Edd yet because Tom didn't want him to know that other family members were alive because he would've gone ballistic and would've made them live under his roof.

They have tried to persuade Tom to differ but since having King instincts, he ordered them to knock it off. Which they complied.

"So Thomas, did you come here to be a small sad boi or what?"

"I came to at least and try to be happy with you guys because home is kind of annoying right now."

Larissa and Gray took note of their long great-grandfather's tone and went into worry. Larissa cleared her throat and placed her hands into her pockets.

"What's going on at your place?"

"Λοιπόν για τους αρχισμένους είχα κάποιον στην ουρά μου αλλά τους έχασα ... Νομίζω .." (Well for starters I had someone on my tail but I lost them...I think..)

The three began to look around and Tom caught sight of two caramel looking horns. He grunts in slight anger.

"Found them. Lets go somewhere else where they wont find me."

The other two simply agree and follow Tom to another place in the city. Meanwhile, Tord saw the spiked man walk away with two other people that he didn't recognize.

'Who the hell are they?'

Tord looks for the blue sweatered man and began to follow him. He saw Tom's head motion and the other two glance back. He heard something in what he suspected was Greek. Their paces pickup and they go through more crowds attempting to lose Tord.

Gray and Larissa kept glancing back but always saw the horned man behind him.

"The horned guy is still following. Tom you have to lose him."

"What do you think I am trying to do Larissa? Keep up you two, I know where to go."

They picked their paces even faster. Tord seemed to be calm and anxious. His legs began to cramp only a little. He didn't peel his eyes away from the trio. He still saw the glances from the girl and other guy.

They suddenly took a sharp turn and Tom began to run. Larissa and Gray followed right behind him with Tord looking in astonishment as to how fast they were. They were at least 1 kilometer away in under 15 seconds. But Tord was being stubborn and he started running also.

Tom led Larissa and Gray to the center of the city once again. They didn't bother catching their breathe since their organs were practically dead.

Tom looked around and didn't catch sight of Tord. He sighed a breathe a relief and the other two brits sighed also.

"There is a bar nearby...let's go."

Larissa and Gray agreed and walked with Tom to the bar. Meanwhile, Tord had officially lost Tom and the other two strange fellas.

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