Chapter 27

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-With Tord-

He stood there, still smiling with everyone else in the room. His eyes caught the smile from the newbie. She grinning from ear to ear, as if it wasn't her first time seeing torture like this.

He snaps his fingers catching every soldiers attention. Pau placed the handgun onto Tord's left hand and walked off with his arms behind his back.

"I want everyone here to clean this mess. Two of you will take this thing and scrape it off the ground and toss it into the garbage disposal. I want you,"

He points towards the new soldier who raises an eyebrow at him. She was a strange one to Tord.

"I want you to come with me at this moment."

She nods and instantly everyone went to work. She walks over to him and waits for the larger male to start walking.


She sat down in the seat in front of his desk while he placed himself onto his own throne.

She crosses her legs and looks around. Everything was in a mess with papers on the ground and drawers opened with a few papers peaking out.

She seemed to growl at something but Tord didn't bother to question it.

"Ms. Crostelle, I may have to ask you about the raid of my office and your little new friend who came with you.

You two spoke with Sean. I may have to ask where do you think Mr. Grate has gone to."

She sighs and places her hands on her knees, observing the mess still. It was as if a large storm had passed through this room only.

"I am not quite sure. I haven't seen him since we have spoken to Sean. I was brought to the execution room immediately. I wouldn't want to contact him either while the execution was in progress sir."

"Then explain to me why Grate isn't here in the base and as soon as he dissapears, someone has raided into my personal office. Not only that but every info written in a language other than Norwegian was stolen."

He stands up and leans forward, his hands placed on top of his desk. The tension between Larissa and Tord was unbereable.

"Hello Ms. Castellanos. I remember you from a while back."

Her eyes seemingly widened and she backed up. She stood in the middle of the office, stepping on a few pages carelessly. Tord walked out from behind the dark oak desk and stood in front of her, arms crossed.

"Nice to see you too Tord Lawson. I have heard alot about you from Papa. He wonders about your plans. He wonders about Thor over you. He told Thor jeg elsker deg. And Thor told him jeg elsker deg også."

Tord growled and launched himself at Larissa, grabbing her from her neck. He snarled in her face. She simply smiles.


Gunshot wound right through his uniform. It was painful and worst of all, his own blood was staining his very own coat.

He stumbled back, holding onto the bleeding hole into his body. He looks straight at Larissa, who was smiling sinisterly with a gun in her hand.

"Be glad that I didn't use the AK. Wouldn't that be bloody. Anyways, I am gonna leave this trash of a base and go home. I have an immortal family to take care of."

She salutes and walks off without looking back. Tord grabs his walkie-talkie and smiles darkly. He digs through the wound and pulls out the bullet.

The injured skin heals itself back to normal. He might need to let his secret out to the bitch at some point.

It takes him a few minutes until he reaches his walkie-talkie to speak with his soldiers.

"Everyone. Look for Ms. Crostelle inside the base. Shoot her. She's immortal."

He heard cheers in the halls and guns being readied. The door burst open, Pau ready with his own handgun.

"Is this a witch hunt I'm hearing? Because I'm in."

Tord smiles and gets his own gun ready. All bullets were ready at his disposal.

"Indeed it is. And let's make it count too. We can ransome her to get Thomas to come back."

Pau chuckles and walks out, into the array of cheers. Tord walks out as well, the cheering and yelling intensifying at his entrance.

He heard his walkie-talkie wake up with what appeared to be someone running.

"You know Tord, for someone with such a large base and apparent strong soldiers, they can be outsmarted very quickly."

He chuckles and orders for the soldiers to check outside and inside the base. Including outside the actual base borders.

"And for someone to call me through this is very dumb. My soldiers will find and will get you. Besides, I need you dear grandfather here."

He walked out the building with his gun ready, seeing her running through the field not far away from her exit.

He raised a hand in the air signifying the search was close. They all turned to see Larissa walking off, with her back towards Tord.

"Go ahead and shoot me pretty boy.~ The bullet might come back and bite you."

"We'll see about that."

He cocked his gun and aimed towards her head knowing her death wasn't going to grab her and take her away.


He feels times slowing down on him, making the feeling of the bullet run through his body much more violent then usual.


Pressing down on the trigger, the Norwegian leader saw the bullet escape his gun with smoke trailing behind it. He saw how the chaotic gunshot made Larissa turn around, her eyes widening at the oncoming bullet.

Time went back to normal and she got hit dead center in her head, blood spilling out. She didn't move, letting Tord know she was knocked out.

He trudged towards her unconscious body and chucks her body over his shoulder, hearing the blood dripping onto the ground behind him.

"What an imbecile..."


Like when you don't update in a full month and still get views

Like when you don't update in a full month and still get views

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Sorry there hasn't been an update in over a month already. I have been reading...and rewriting this chapter alot.

I haven't had a lot of ideas come to me or any inspiration which means a short chapter. Really sorry because honestly the story is being updated so rarely now.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter and see you in the next one!!


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