Chapter 29

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It was already the next day. The rest of the day before, Edd, Gray, and Tom spent all day planning on how to enter. Meanwhile, Elijah was checking with his own Army, ready for his attack. Tord was also torturing Larissa for his enjoyment. The Black Leaders attack was planned on the same day that the other three were going to get Larissa back....which was the very next day.


They were flying through the road, each male on their very own motorbike that Andrea had gave them. Edd on a bright and green, Gray on a mix of blue and green, and Tom on a pure dark blue.

They had helmets on, shielding off their identities. Tom couldn't risk being caught after the chase from ages back. Gray as well from being inside the army base. Edd had never gone their, but refused to show his face to the world.

"You know, Tom entering on his own sounds risky."

Each bike helmet had a communication device that let them speak to each other freely. A little gift that Andrea gave them.

"You're already thinking twice Edd? I though you believed in me after all the thousands of years we have been together."

"Yeah I still don't trust you. You killed someone several hundreds of years ago for food."

"It was food. You have to understand that you shitface."

Edd rolled his eyes and scanned the road ahead to see cop cars hidden onto the grass beside the road.

"Hey gramps, we got bitches up in our alley."

Tom looks over to Gray physically and shook his head. The blonde shrugs and laughs through the helmet.

They passed by and didn't hear any sirens go after them. Good....until after only a few seconds later.

"Who's going over the speed limit? Gray? Tom?"

"Try all of us. We're going at 80 in a 35 area."


Tom looks over at his mirror and sees not just one but several cop cars, sirens blaring in their ears, even though they were wearing helmets.

"Fuck sake."

"I swear gramps, I only saw one of them. Not a whole hord."

"Same here brother."

"I know. I saw just one as well. Either way, we are pursuing our way through. We have to get to that base before it's too late."

-Meanwhile with Elijah-

"Sir. The soldiers are ready. When is the attack going to be launched?"

Elijah leaned back in his chair. His assistant, Mar, was the only one he trusted. But yet, she was annoying in a way.

"I need it to be without the Red Leaders attention. He has soldiers in that overbearing forest of his. Send a few soldiers to the base already. I need them to take down the Red Army soldiers in the forest first, discreetly."

"Yes sir..."

She was about to leave when she turned around and looked directly into Elijah's dark and blue eyes.

"Sir, is this a revenge attack for your dead lover?"

He froze and gripped his hands. He didn't have a clear response for the question. He didn't bother looking up either to Mar.

Immortality/ Immortalidad (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now