Chapter 7

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Tom didn't uncurl from his position even after he felt the cushion of the red worn out couch dip down.

He doesn't bother looking either showing no interest into the person.

"Thomas, what's wrong?"

Edd didn't like seeing his brother in such despair. It pained him. Alot.

"It''s nothing brother..."

Tom peeks out from behind his small cave and looks at Edd's bright green eyes. They were frowning in worry at Tom.

"I'm fine. Besides, it's not bad to think about the past you know?"

Edd sighs knowing what Tom was thinking about.

"Exactly what part of the past might it be brother? Greece, France,....Egypt? Which one is the most important to you?"

"All. They are all important. Including the few years we have lived here in sweet England."

"I agree but....what part of the past do you usually focus the most on Tom?"


Tom leans back into the sofa and keeps his fetus position. He leans his head back and look up at the ceiling. He sighs.

"I focus mostly on the past in Egypt. It's the most important to me. It was the time where I grew up with my family surrounding me. Friends as well. But it was also during the time when I met....the love of my life."

Tom grins. Edd notices and smiles as well.

"She stole my heart the moment I layed my eyes upon her. We would have late night walks as teenagers, talk about the future that we were wishing to have. And at some point, we were together....married with children."

Tom looks at Edd with the same grin. Edd ruffles his older brothers hair in a loving way.

"I know the feeling Thomas. I remember the day me and my wife met. So many memories."

Tom's grin vanishes and is replaced by his sad frown. He looks away and looks straight at the ceiling once again.

"But....we can't go back. They are now just memories that we will carry with us. Forever."

Edd sighs and leans his head onto Tom's left shoulder.


-With Tord-

Tord had his head looking up to the dark abyss that was filled with the stars that he grew up loving to look at.

He remembers sitting at his his windowsill and his head was sticking out from that window to get more view of the stars.


Tord was around the age of 6 and he was eating his dinner as fast as possible. As the usual.

His parents look at each other thrn at Tord in worry that he might choke with his food like last time...which was yesterday.

"Son. You should maybe slow down a little. You might-"

Tord then jumps from his seat and yells "DONE!" and runs up to his mother and father.

He kisses them both on the cheek and and says goodnight.

"God nög Mama! God nög Papa!"(Goodnight Mama! Goodnight Papa!)

"God nög Tord."(Goodnight Tord.)

He then raced upstairs to his room and quickly changes into his ree footed pajamas.

He grabs a blanket and walks up to the window that was already slightly opened. He pulls it up and gets hit by the fresh air from outside.

He wraps the blanket around him and sticks his head out from the window.

He sees countless amounts of bright lights illuminating the sky. His eyes twinkle with them.

Eventually, he falls asleep and his mother finds him in his sitting position at the window.

She places the small norwegian child into his small bed and kisses him goodnight.

"God natt, min lille engel."(Goodnight, my little angel.)


He chuckles at the memory remembering how his mother and father would always tell him to sleep in bed when he did get sleepy.

Little him never listened and always slept at that window.

Tord sighs from the memory and burns out his cigar and looks back up at the sky.

"God natt Mama...Papa..."

And walks back into the house. As soon as he entered he sees the two ancient siblings snoozing quietly. Edd was on Toms shoulder while Tom had his head on top of the green clads head.

Tord smiles seeing himself there surrounded by his parents. He then imagines himself in Edd's spot...

'Ugh...what the bloody hell are you thinking? Tom will never allow that. Neither will Edd. Besides they're ancient immortal beings who can't die...but you cant either...not right now that is...'

He yawns quietly and proceeds to go to his own bedroom and plops himself into his bed. He takes his shoes off only and doesn't bother taking his hoddie off and eventually falls into slumber.

-The Next Day-

Tom flutters his eyes opened and yawns exhaustingly. He looks around his surroundings noticing that he slept on the couch. He feels a head slump down onto his lap and sees his brothers knowing nest there.

He hears light snores telling him that Edd was still asleep so he takes the chance to pick the younger sibling and carries him with ease to Edd's room.

He sets him down onto his bed gently and places the blanket over Edd. Tom ruffles Edd's hair and walks out.

-With Matt-

It was unusual for Matt to wake up early in the morning so when he woke up at 9 in the damn morning, he felt like he was going to just die.

Of course, if he made himself a sitting duck he wouldn't feel productive so he got up and designed several outfits for his class.

Eventually he got bored and went downstairs to get himself something to eat.

Matt thought about the others and figured that he should make breakfast for the other three as a showing of his friendship.

He grabbed a carton of eggs, bacon and began cooking. It was something small but still, it was something.

He made blueberry pancakes and a few biscuits as well. He made coffee and placed the food on the table.

He hears the front door open and sees that Tom was the one who entered.

'Where the hell has he been?'

It seemed like Tom caught Matts staring and chuckled.

"It smells like breakfast here. What did you make?"

"Something small since I can't bake as well as you and Edd. And I couldn't bother anyone so I thought 'why not?' I made blueberry pancakes with biscuits and eggs and bacon. I also made coffee knwoing how you and Edd enjoy it."

Tom pats Matt on the shoulder and laughs.


Tom grins at Matt with the purple man returning the grin.


I'm back! I gave up on the translating and decided to stick with pure english.

Hope you enjoyed and I will be more active on my stories because ffs...

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