Chapter 9

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Tom blinks in confusion and looks at Tord. He thought he was imagining but the question was actually spoken and he actually had to answer it.

He sighs and places his arms on his legs and hangs his head toward the ground.

"Why do you want to know? Are you planning to do something that I did if you get power like the one I used to have?"

Tord frowns and looks away. He thought that Tom didn't seem to get what he was trying to ask so he said it once again.

"What was it like when you were King? I am just curious you are my roommate either way."

Tom sighs and reclines into the couch and looks at Tord who was staring right back into his dark and abyss eyes.

"I don't know how to tell you. It was tough to handle but it was managable. During the time, I would be with my. . . Family."

He shudders a little and looks away with tears threatening to fall. Tord seemed to not have noticed and sat silently waiting for Tom to continue.

"My kids were always bothering me to play with them and was her. My light during the darkest times. My wife."

Tord didn't say anything but gripped his sweater in somewhat jealousy. He didn't like how he was the second person who fell in love with Thomas.

But he could see the sadness and happiness radiating off of Tom whenever he spoke about her.

He truly cared for his dead spouse.

"We would spend the days playing in the garden or maybe going down to the river to bathe the kids and sometimes it would be just me and her. We would spend our time there and enjoy the peace. But as a leader to the city of Egypt, I was strong and showed absolutely no fear so that they were never in fear. That was a way to prosper. That was a way to make Egypt flourish. Our bravery."

He finished with a shaky breath and some sniffing coming from the blue clad. Tord didn't know what to say or do.

"I'm sorry."

Tom turned around to show his eyes with a sort of puffyness to show he was crying a little.

"What are you sorry about Tord?"

"For asking. I should've kept my damn mouth shut but I didn't and instead you're here mourning for your lost family next to the guy who you hate."

Tom blinks and begins to laugh. He dryed his tears with the sleeves of his sweater.

"It's fine. Besides, I always mourn them daily. It isn't hard for me to let go. Neither is it for Edd. He sometimes dows the same by himself or with me. We seem strong but we both are each our own emotional mess spinning ever so slowly, never deciding to leave."

Tord sighs knowing the exact pain that he felt. Losing someone close to you was awful but losing your whole family was even worse.

"I guess....I can understand you. It's a type of pain that lingers and just stays there until some sort of happiness eventually comes back and helps you in a way to move on."

Tom glances at Tord who also glanced at Tom at the same time.

Tord tears his gaze away in ambarrasment and feels his face burn and brighten a little.

Tom just smiled a little and looked away as well.

'He really is just like her.'


Had to edit this a variety amount of times to make it good.

Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter and let me know how you think the story will go and vote as well so that I know that you are enjoying the story. It also motivates me to write more.

This chapter was also more like a filler chapter to me to finally get something going and to hint a little more about Tord's past.

●●Helmo Out●●

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