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Hey! Sorry the first two chapters were so short, but I had to get Rubiam's childhoods out of the way first so the main story would make more sense. Once again all characters belong to Alexandra Bracken and I promise all future chapters will be longer. Tysm for reading! *Note* This chapter will have swearing so if you are sensitive this may be the time to move on.

Enjoy. <3


I can still remember the scent of the wet, disintegrating boxes as the rain pelted us on our way to the moving van. The boxes were heavy, but the rain only made it worse. I felt sorry for Sam who had more than happily agreed to help us move all our stuff into the van thinking it would be a lovely day where she could spend a few more hours with her bestie before she moved away. I hated the look on Sam's face as I pulled out of the driveway for the last time and waved to her, promising to keep in touch. Honestly, I think her family were almost happy to see me gone considering Sam had always told me her parents didn't like me because I was a 'Bad influence' and 'Ruining Sammy'. Good thing we didn't listen to them, otherwise our friendship would have been a lot shorter.

I wanted to get one last taste of Salem's beautiful, sweet air before I lost it forever, even though my dad promised me we would come back to visit, it would never be the same. I stuck my head out the window and felt the cool air rush past my face, making my cheeks feel cold. I laughed and tried to stick my tongue out like dogs seem to love doing, personally, I don't see what all the fuss is about. When we entered Virginia Beach I could already taste the salty air and it felt weird to think, Welcome home Ruby. Oh god, this is going to be a big change.

I woke up to the sound of my worst nightmare, in the form of an alarm clock with the time flashing in red rapidly across the screen as if to say wake up you lazy bitch. Enjoyed scaring the shit out of you this morning! I groaned and rolled onto my side as punched the clock as hard as I could until its infernal beeping shut off and let me have peace. Until another infernal noise interrupted me; this time in the form of my mom leaning against my door frame telling me to get up since I was going to be late for my first day of school and first impressions matter and blah blah blah.

When I eventually mustered up the energy to get out of bed I instantly regret not asking for a rug to be out next to my bed as my feet slowly froze from my newly polished hardwood floors. I reached over and grabbed my phone off my nightstand and read one text from Sam. Hey girl! Good luck at school today! Miss you heaps, school will be weird without you. Bye! xoxo - Sam. I smiled reading her message and started to miss my old home, but I knew I had to stop before the tears started flowing, which were one thing I could not stop.

The walk to school was brisk and nice, but it would have been a lot better if it didn't feel like I was carrying 5 tonnes of bricks on my back. Once I got to the gate I peered through the entrance to Virginia Beach High and saw kids of all ages running around on the grass, talking, laughing. I wonder if I will ever be that happy.. I thought to myself as I heading through the gates, down the path while trying to ignore the hundreds of pairs of eyes fixed on the back of my head and kept walking through the huge doors that were my future, Virginia Beach High.

After walking around aimlessly for a good 20 minutes I finally decided to ask for help, and of course, the only person around was an extremely tough & fierce looking girl with short hair dyed electric blue getting her books out of her locker and slamming the thin metal door shut with an enormous bang but before she could go anywhere I jumped in front of her, obviously scared the girl jumped back and demanded who I was. Me.. just being me awkwardly replied; My name is.. My name is.. "Well..?" The girl asked, obviously agitated "Ruby." I finally managed to get out "I'm lost and I'm trying to find my way to math class..?" She hesitated for a second before a smile played on her lips and she said "Ah, a new kid, Don't get many of you lot. I'm Vida. Math is just down this hallway and the second door on the left." "Thank you" I mumbled awkwardly and staggered down the hallway like the socially awkward girl I was and through the door into math. However since I am cursed with horrible like there is one seat left, and it is right next to the cutest boy I have ever seen.

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