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Liam's POV

'She's a good one.' I quickly spun around to see Cole standing right behind me with a stupid smirk across his face. I was not in the mood to talk to him right now. 

'Shut up.' I mumbled quietly as I threw my shoes off and ran up the stairs.

'Can't handle the truth baby bro?' My feet pounded against the stairs as I ran up into my room and slammed the door, continuing to hear Cole's insults from outside my bedroom door. Is it too much to ask to have a friend who happens to be a girl sit next to me without my brother harassing me about it? Apparently. 

Eventually his comments stopped and his footsteps could be heard going down the stairs. I let out a breath that I didn't know I had been holding in and flopped onto my bed and stared up at the plain gray ceiling that looked like it was going to cave in on me any second. 

'Liam! Cole! Dinner!' My mom was shouting from downstairs, I could hear Cole mumble a response before his door creaked open and he walked out down the stairs and I was right behind him. He noticed me behind him and turned around and giving me that stupid smirk. It was going to take a long time for him to forget about Ruby.

I poked my spaghetti with my fork and pushed it around me plate before I could feel mom's eyes on me. 'Liam, honey, what's wrong?' I was considering telling her what an ass Cole was being but since he was Cole Stewart, Captain of the football team, Popular guy, Major asshole, I thought better of it. Apparently, he didn't. 'Liam has a girlfriend.' 

'Asshole! She isn't my girlfriend dipshit!' I stood up and cringed at the sound of the chair scraping against the hardwood floors. I stood up and was about to storm away before my mom grabbed my wrist. She looked up from her spaghetti and looked me in the eye and screamed 'OH MY GOD LIAM HONEY WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME I'M SO PROUD OF YOU SWEETIE!!' (Me as a mom lmao) She got up from the table and ran around to me and gave me a big hug. By now Cole was laughing his ass off. 'I don't have a girlfriend mom, Cole was being an ass. as usual.' I mumbled the last part. She suddenly retracted her arms from me and sat back down staring at her food. 'Nevermind then.'

The rest of dinner was awkward to say the least. Cole occasionally laughing and I would kick him under the table. I suddenly noticed the missing presence. 'Where's Harry?' Mom let out a large sigh and said that he was working late again before she continued to poke her food. I finished first and went and washed my plate and silently walked back into my room and flopped back down on my bed before I heard, or, could see rocks being thrown at my window. At first I thought it might be Chubs, or maybe even that Steve Harrington (hAh) guy who always hangs out with Cole and accidentally goes to my window instead. I got up and peered out my window and to my surprise I saw Ruby standing there.

I opened my window and hissed 'What are you doing here?' Her hand came up and waved at me. 'I was bored. Wanna hang out?' I wanted to hang out with her but if my mom or Cole saw me I would never hear the end of it. Without thinking anything through my big mouth answered yes. 'Great. Now get your ass out here.' I don't know how she expected me to climb out my window and down a very high wall. As if she read my mind she extended her arm and helped me climb out the window.

We walked in silence for about 5 minutes before I sensed the awkward and decided to speak up. 

'So, why did you actually come here?'

'I told you. I was bored.'

'Okay, How do you know where I live?'


'So you guys are friends now?'

'In a way.'

The conversation kind of ended there and didn't really continue until I realized we were at the beach and she had ditched me for the ice cream store.

I came up behind her just as she turned around holding one cone in each hand. She screeched a little bit (Sorry I couldn't think of a better word) But ended up laughing at me and she handed me one of the cones. 

We made our way over to the boardwalk and sat down on the edge and she kept looking out to the water. 'The ocean. It reminds me of home.' Realizing she was speaking to me I started to respond. 'Yeah?' She started to smile a little bit. 'Yeah. My parents used to take me down there every weekend. It was amazing.' I noticed her smile had faded, clearly missing her home and childhood. I was starting to see how dark it was getting and looked at my phone. 7:46pm.

I started to get up and I lent down to help her get up and she took it, not even once realizing this was the second time we had held hands in one night. We began to walk home but since she had been the one to pick me up, I had to be the one to  drop her off. We walked down her street before stopping under her window. 

'And, how do you know where I live?'


She laughed and we kind of stared at each other before she said; 'Well, I better go, tonight was fun.' She smiled at me. My moment was slipping away. 'Ruby.' She stopped climbing for a second. 'Yeah?' It was now or never. 'Tonight was fun. Thanks. I want to end it the right way.' And with that I leaned in and kissed her. 

AhahAHahHAahHAHA I had way too much fun writing that chapter. Have a nice day kids.

Edit 19/02/19

Okay how high was I when I wrote this

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