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I knew I was late, but I had good reason. Today would have been Claire's 14th birthday. It has become a kind of tradition in my family, every year on Claire's birthday we celebrate for her. She would have loved this. My hand races up to my eye to rub away the tear but I'm not the only one. I see Cole starting to tear up out of the corner of my eye and I go over and pat him on the back. However, this isn't just to celebrate Claire's short life, no. It is a reminder that I will personally bring the guy responsible for this to justice myself. 

There were no more buses left in the morning, the rain was pelting down on me like bullets as I broke into a jog trying to get to school as quickly as I could. Cole had work experience so I didn't have anyone to keep me company as I made my mad dash to school. The leather of my bag was now soaked and felt strange to touch on my exposed arms, I squeezed through the gates just before they shut, getting my stupid bag stuck in the gate, the same gates that were now shut. That bag had everything in it, I couldn't stay here in the rain and I couldn't just leave my bag here either. "What the hell have you got yourself into boy?" I heard a familiar voice call from behind me.  

The first thing I saw was Chub's metal rimmed glasses, before I looked up and saw his eyebrows were drawn down. I'm no expert but he didn't look impressed. Of course Chubs had a key to the gate since he was the captain of just about everything; Vice school captain, Book club owner  and so on and on, you name it and he's in on it. Chubs quickly rushed over to me and unlocked the gate and handed me my now ruined bag and a late pass. "Chubby Chubby Choo Choo! Stealing late passes.. Very leader-like of you." He gave me the best death stare he could muster but the rain seemed to make the effect wash away with it. He didn't seem like he was going to speak, so I did it for him. "Thanks buddy." And with that we sneaked into the hallway, our sneakers squeaking against the floor and leaving muddy tracks where we had walked, Chubs was fairly clean so he went ahead to class but I went off to the bathroom to get myself cleaned up before I followed him.

Chubs had the right idea with the late passes, they were kind of like trouble immunity. In the form of a piece of paper. Anybody who gave me a second glance for not being in class got a good, hard look at my late pass and didn't seem to bother me after that. I eventually made my way over to homeroom, I opened the door and everybody stared at me: Nothing to see here.. I went to apologize to Miss Conner for being late again but a boy stood in my way, he looked familiar but I was too caught up to think about it thoroughly. I handed my late pass to Miss Conner and I took my seat next to Ruby.

Maybe I've seen him at the mall? Maybe he just transferred?  Maybe he is my long lost brother? I just couldn't seem to put my finger on where I had seen him before. Then. It hit me. That night, I had seen his face. Behind the steering wheel of the car that ran over Claire. I remember looking at him with the shock and pain I was now. I felt Ruby's color leave her face and she looked like she was going to puke. "Ruby..? Are you okay..? You look really pale." She looked at me, even paler than ever. "Nope, Nope, Nope! I am fine." I could tell she was lying. "Honestly Liam. I'm fine buddy." Was the last thing she said before she turned around and continued listening to Miss Conner; "Students! This is Clancy, Clancy Gray." So now I know the bastard's name. My eyes followed him as he took the seat down in front of Ruby. I was now the one who was extremely pale and all I could do was glare at the back of his head. "Liam..? Are you okay?" I heard the voice say from my left. Nope, not okay. I thought to myself as my hand shot up. Miss Conner looked in my direction and almost like reading my mind she said "Yes Liam, make it snappy." I exited the room as quickly as I could. Ignoring all the curious looks from everybody else and made my way to the nearest bathroom.

After navigating the halls I found a boys bathroom. I prayed there was no one in there and thank God there wasn't. I opened the door to a stall, hovered over the toilet seat, and puked. Once I was finished with the great puking disaster, I exited the bathroom casually before I noticed Ruby leaning against the wall. Waiting. I thought. "Liam.. Are you okay?" She asked me. I couldn't say how I was feeling obviously. Hey Ruby! Just found out that the guy who ran over my sister is joining our class! Probably not a good idea, so I answered a question with a question. "Ruby.. Do you.. know that guy..?" She looked down at her shoes for a second before answering; "Unfortunately, Yes. Yes I do." She was staring at me, aching for a response. So I gave her one. "That's the guy.. the guy who.. Ran over my sister. The shock, pain and horror that crossed her face killed me. You shouldn't have said anything! Suddenly anger flushed over her face. "I knew that guy was an asshole but this?!" To say she was angry was an understatement. She was furious. I knew if I didn't do something she would go personally kill Clancy herself. but I couldn't help but think How do they know each other? What the hell did Clancy do to Ruby to make her hate him so much? I was going to ask but considering her current rage, decided against it. "Well, Well, Well.. What did I miss?" Startled by the sudden voice I jumped back and screamed. Before I saw Vida's bright blue hair leaning up against a locker. "Jesus Christ, It's just me, boo. Now, What are you two lovebirds doing out of class. Hm?" Ruby, obviously feeling as uncomfortable as I was made the right decision and bolted. I figured I should do the same.

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