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Hey guys! I hope you have enjoyed reading my story as much as I have writing it and I can't believe we have over 100 reads! this is amazing so thank you guys so much!


I'm sorry if this chapter is really boring and it probably will be because I am just not in the mood to write today. Also, Who likes the new cover!? Follow me for release dates of new chapters!


When the girl sat down her dark hair flew all over her face and I had to stop myself from laughing at how ridiculous she looked but I knew better, I knew how hard it was to be the new kid and it doesn't help when your new & nervous as hell and somebody is laughing at the state your hair is in. I learnt that the hard way, so in a way, I feel her pain.

Every time we get a new student at our school, I make it my mission to be friends with them because I wish somebody had been there for me on my first day and we don't get many new students here anyway. Ruby was no different, but I had noticed ever since I said hello to her Chubs has been.. elusive so I don't know what is going on with him but he better get over it quickly because I am not in the mood for him to scare away another potential new friend. 

All the other classes in the day led up to this; P.E, or Physical Education  As Chubs would say being the fancy kid he is. Everybody I know (not including me of course) just can't wait for Physical Education and I personally don't know why, I mean what is so fun about being pelted with dodge balls when you are clearly just trying to walk to the stands? Being the great sportsman I am still has to participate in Physical Education. I thought coach would go easy on us today but no such luck, Pairs. In other words, a great way to show off to your partner or, being forced to watch the other person's amazing athletic abilities. (Me, of course.)

Chubs was obviously my first choice when it came to pairs because well. We both suck at sports and its not like some super athletic guy is going to partner up with me, no matter how good my puppy eyes are. So I went of on my Great Quest to find Chubs but of course, Chubs being Chubs I found him leaning against a wall near the gym doors holding a book and reading its contents Excitedly before I noticed he was holding it upside down. Subtle. 

It was pretty obvious Chubs wanted to play about as much as I wanted to lick the mold from around the showers but since he had no choice, poor old Chubsie was forced  into partnering up with me before I though of something to say to really get him going. 'You know, Chubsie, I would start being a tiny bit nicer to Ruby.' He stared at me open mouthed, waiting to say something but daring me to speak first. 'Don't think I haven't noticed.' He looked at me like I had just stabbed him through the heart. 'I have been nothing but nice to her!' He yelled back in my face, not caring who saw him. 'Don't think I didn't see you yelling at her for no reason the other day in the halls.' He seemed speechless, the look of fury still dominating his face as he stormed down the hall silently fuming.

Hey! Sorry this chapter was so short but I just couldn't really think of anything to write but I promise the next chapters will be more exciting and longer and a new character will be joining us shortly (One I am not particularly looking forward to writing about if you know what I mean.) But hope you enjoyed this! <3


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