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Hey again! I just wanted to say thank you again to everybody for reading, I am so thankful for the readers I have so thank you all again for sticking with me!

<3 Lots of love from East River ;)


My summer holiday had been great. I can't believe all that time just flew right past me, but somehow it did. I had spent my entire summer down at Virginia beach, playing beach volleyball will my mom, Harry, Cole and my best friend; Chubs. I had the best time I possible could, considering I was terrible at all kinds of sports. Name it and I'll lose at it. It also didn't help that every time I face planted into the sand or hit a random passerby with the ball Cole would remind me how much I sucked at sport. Stupid Cole.

Since I had such a great summer I was so looking forward to the first day of school, but thank god I decided to throw out my old alarm clock so I didn't have to wake up to hell every morning but of course a different type of hell woke me up from my beauty sleep. Cole. Stupid Cole. I was forced awake by Cole soaking me in a bucket of water. I jolted awake and sat up straight and gave him my best death stare I could and trying to keep my hands by my side to stop myself from slapping him across his cheeks now pink from laughter.

 I finished 'packing' my bag or as Cole described it, stuffing everything in super fast and hoping it fits. Stupid Cole. I grabbed my phone off the counter where I found a message from good old Chubsie; Hurry up, you are going to be late for math! Does a good education mean anything to you?! Classic. I yelled goodbye to everyone before catching the bus just before the doors shut, honestly I don't know what Chubs means by late considering his definition of on time was 30 minutes before the hallways even opened.

Turns out, Chubs wasn't wrong, I was later than usually however, still early by my standards. I caught up with some of my friends after a long break before heading over to my locker and found Chubs rearranging his locker. This had become so common that I knew where he kept everything without even having to look in it; books at the top, sport stuff down the bottom, bag on the little shelf on the left.

Since I still had a good 10 minutes or so to kill, I went down to the football field, even though I am the literal worst at sports, the field has become a sort of happy place for me and today was no different except of course, Cole and all his sporty friends were there tossing around a football and yelled; 'Hey baby bro! wanna play football with us? Oh wait. You can't even hold a football!' before all of his friends starting laughing hysterically. Stupid Cole. 

Before long it was time to put the embarrassment of Cole and his friends behind me and start heading off to class, I stopped by Chub's locker where he was still arranging his crap I sighed and picked up all his books that were scattered across the hallway and said to him; 'You do realize, My dear Chubsie, that this is a hallway. Not your bedroom'. And hauled them into his locker. He looked at me and boy, he looked pissed.

'What.. THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!' He screamed at me in front of everybody who was in the hall with us 'I have to start all over again now!' I figured that I had made a mistake, so I tried to fix it. 'Chubs..?' 'That's Charles to you! And I will have you know, my bedroom is quite neat and tidy. Can't say the same for you pal.' With no such luck, I walked away. Still feeling his eyes fixed on the back of my head.

I walked into the math room nice & early so I could get a good seat and get there before Chu- Charles. Miss Conner was at her desk when I walked in. She looked up at me and smiled. 'Welcome back Liam.' I mumbled it back to her before taking my seat in the second row. Before long kids started piling into the classroom and the seat on my left was still free and I started to wonder what new kid would get the honor of getting to sit next to me but luckily for me, I didn't have to wait long.

Just after the bell went a girl burst through the door, her dark hair flying in front of her face. I heard her quietly apologize to Miss Conner for being late and she told her to find a seat and sit down. The only available seat happened to be the one next to me. Despite Miss Conner telling us to pay attention to her, I only wanted to look at the girl with the dark hair & emerald eyes coming my way. So I did, when she sat down, I smiled at her and she smiled back.

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