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That night, I was laying awake on my bed trying to sleep but Chub's words were haunting me. Like they were chasing me and stopping me from sleeping, I never had let anyone get to me. Except. Clancy Gray. The only thing to make you feel worse right now Ruby, is to think about him. So stop and get some rest. I heard that little voice in my head say. Clancy. Thank God that psycho is out of my life. 

For whatever reason, I was dreading school today, I just couldn't make sense of it, I didn't know if it was because of Chubs and his words that were following me around like a dark cloud or if it was that sensation I had that something was going to happen today. Something I don't think I would like. 

Since my first day was over with my mom had insisted on me taking the bus because she didn't like me walking  so, trying to make her happy, I did as she asked and I got on the first bus to school. The one thing I was nervous about going on the bus about was finding a seat and not having anybody to sit next to. I was sitting at the bus stop looking down at my phone before a large yellow bus stopped in front of me and I heard the hiss of the door struggling to open. I got up from where I was sitting and climbed the narrow stairs that led into the bus, murmuring thanks to the driver on the way, I was concerned that I would have to sit alone considering I could see no one I knew until I saw a head of bright blue hair sitting alone at the back of the bus. Thank God.

I guess I could call Vida a friend. I wish I could say the same about Chubs. School was pretty average up until about homeroom, where a nasty surprise was awaiting me. I guess everybody was over me being the new kid but for whatever reason, I had been cursed. Again. I walked into class casually, as you do, but that nasty little surprise was waiting for me right at the edge of Miss Conner's desk. 'Ruby!' He yelled when I walked through the door. Obviously excited to see me. Me? Not so excited to see him. He gave me a huge wave before realizing everybody was staring at us he regained his composure and just stood there. Surveying us. Judging. I cautiously walked to my old seat next to Liam and sat down. Liam isn't here yet. I thought to myself as I looked at the empty chair next to me. Some kind of disappointment hit me at the realization. Why do you even care if he is here or not Ruby? He is just a friend. After the remainder of our class poured into the classroom, including Chubs. Who happily ignored me as he huffed passed me and sat down behind me. That took a lot of effort not to stick my leg out and trip him over. My daydream of Chubs falling face first onto the ground was quickly interrupted by Miss Conner; 'Students! We have another new student joining our class today. This is Clancy, Clancy Gray. 

I was too distracted to even notice that Liam had entered the room and had taken his usual seat next to me. I must have been staring because I felt a tap on my shoulder, I spun my head to the right quickly and my gaze met Liam's. 'Hey.. Ruby..? Are you okay? You look like.. Really Pale.'A hand rushed up to my face and I gazed down into the shiny surface of the desk, noticing how pale I was. 'Nope, Nope, Nope! Absolutely fine!' Liam's eyes were still on me even after I turned to him and said; 'Look, Liam. Buddy. I am fine!'

I am so not fine.

It took me a while to notice that Clancy had taken up the seat in front of me, I glanced over at Liam to see a look on his face I had never seen before. Hatred. He was scowling at the back of Clancy's head. I was so fixated on trying to figure out why Liam looked like he was about to throw a chair at Clancy that I didn't see that Liam was now the one was incredible pale. His hand shot up and he asked if he could go to the bathroom. I knew it was a risk but I took it anyway. 'Uhh.. Miss..? Can I go to the bathroom as well..? I need uh.. to.. uh..' Hurry up Ruby! Think of something! I grabbed my stomach and starting making barfing noises, everybody threw me looks of disgust and shuffled their chairs away from me. 'I think I'm going to..' I was putting this act on perfectly, even the little snake in front of me seemed to believe my story 'Ruby! Go! I don't want you throwing up in my class! And with that, I left. With about half of my dignity.

After I had gotten out of class and put on another little show for whoever was out in the corridor and unlucky enough to be out there with me, I hobbled over to the bathroom where I could hear somebody puking, And it wasn't me. With that Liam hobbled out of the bathroom, face still a pasty white. 'Liam..? What is wrong..?' I think I scared him a little bit considering I kind of followed him here. 'Uh.. Ruby.. Do you.. Know that guy..?' I hesitated before I managed to say; 'Unfortunately, Yes. Yes I do.' Liam started to wobble a bit and I reached out to hold him up. 'Why? What is wrong..? He looked like he was about to puke. So I took a good step back. 'That's the guy.. The guy who.. Ran over my sister.

Hey! Um. I couldn't think of anything else and I thought this would be a good cliffhanger! Thank you so much for nearly 250 reads! Remember I always want to hear your comments, feedback & ideas for the story! Tysm again. <3 <3 <3


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