O N E- A stranger in all black

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"Stupid dog"


Yoongi jumped down from the balcony, painfully landing on the ground with his feet first, then his hands in order to keep his balance.

"Fuck" the small hybrid hissed at the gravel smashing against the palm of his hands. "Stupid freaking dog" he grumbled, standing up to brush of the dirt he had gotten from the sprint. He half-heartedly combed out his hair with his fingers, trying to get out the knots that had worked themselves in there somewhere along the way, all before he out of habit licked his hand to clean himself, albeit he knew it truly was a bad thing to do... he'd gotten himself sick that way before.

In the midst of trying to tidy himself up , his head in the clouds, he seemingly out of nowhere heard a loud gasp coming from behind him. Yoongi snapped his head towards the source and found a man who stood tall in the candlelight of the street.

The stranger's features were being pronounced clearly by the sharp shadows, full lips... with a small mole on it, something Yoongi couldn't recollect to have ever seen on anyone before. The other's hair was coloured an unnatural pink on one side and a fading blond on the other... strange.

The unfamiliar person wore all black clothing, something Yoongi was sure he'd heard off before, but couldn't quite remember from where... that probably just meant it wasn't very important. The stranger's coat was embroidered and his dark blouse tipped with a frill along the front of the chest. Rings in gold were prominently on display on the other's strong hands along with a single chain necklace, which held a pendant that looked like a small crown.

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"You have cat ears" the man spoke with clear intrigue and Yoongi snorted at the statement "Yeah, no shit" he commented, going back to brushing of the dirt that had stuck onto his pants and sweater

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"You have cat ears" the man spoke with clear intrigue and Yoongi snorted at the statement "Yeah, no shit" he commented, going back to brushing of the dirt that had stuck onto his pants and sweater.

"Wait, fuck" Yoongi commented, shock and anxiety spreading through his entire body upon fully taking in the other man's words, quickly trying to hide them from the stranger.

I'm not supposed to reveal myself to anyone, fucking hell the hybrid rambled in his head, not being able to focus on the other guy, who'd taken a few curios steps closer towards him.

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