E L E V E N- Big crowds

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"You'll like him"

• • • •

"I'm sorry for being late..." Taehyung heard the smaller man say and he quickly shook his head. "No, no~ you're not to blame" the prince assured him while standing up straighter.

"You look stunning by the way..." the prince tried to voice his thoughts without trying to be awkward about it.

"U-uh thank you Tae" the hybrid mumbled, just before the younger decided that they needed to get to the ballroom– seeing as the other guests would be arriving in only a couple of minutes.

"We need to hurry... but first~ are you alright? Nothing hurt from the rough trip?" The prince spoke softly, composing himself enough to ask his burning questions. The younger truly wished for the hybrid's day to have gone well, though he believed the travel to the castle might've ruined everything.

"I'm fine thanks- although I do have a small question for you... how many are attending this thing?" Yoongi asked rather scared of what the answer might be, since he had seen more humans than hoped outside the castle walls. He had never been too keen on big crowds, to put it lightly.

"Uhm, I don't know the exact number, but I'm sure all lords from this town, as well as at least a third of the lords out in the smaller villages" the younger explained while thinking carefully about it... at the same time the prince didn't notice his lovely Kitten's saddened expression and pounding heartbeat.

The prince placed his hand on the hybrid's lower back, leading him in the direction of the gala's main hall. The two went up the stairs in a pulsating silence- the air seemingly filled thick by the nerves.

—The cat was especially ashamed while in the quietness, all because of the younger's warm hand that was placed close to his tail- giving the shorter an irritatingly comfortable warmth through the thin fabric.

Yoongi squirmed up against the touch a little bit [but not enough for the other to notice], telling himself that it was to get further away from the younger's body... though it only made the friction greater and the contact more pronounced to both of them.

They finally reached the big double doors, despite the rather tensed situation– A maid, in a long black and white collar dress, bowed her head while opening the doors for the pair.

Taehyung was quick to offer his arm to the shorter to hold, to which the hybrid first grumbled lightly... Get your arm away from my face you prick- Yoongi thought but decided to not voice it out loud. The prince had been taught, since young age, that your date was always to be lead gracefully beside you... Even though Yoongi had disregarded his courtesy once before.

— However much the hybrid disliked the youngster's polite action, very soon the older started clinging to the other's arm and neck for dear life, as bodies rushed past them.

Everything in the huge ballroom seemed to be moving. The very last preparations were being finished and nothing was to be left by chance– everything going down that evening had been planned out to the letter.

The young prince glanced down to his still ever so breathtaking Kitten, staring admiringly at him through half closed eyes. He couldn't believe that he was actually there together with someone he fancied and not just a noble daughter that his parents had chosen for him.

~Wait... Taehyung caught himself in his thoughts.

He blinked a couple of times before focusing his eyes on the shorter boy next to him again.

The taller took a deep breath as he finally realised— that he had more than just a small interest in Yoongi...

When the prince thought about it some more, it dawned upon him how he was actually more than infatuated with the older. He really did fancy the small boy beside him... what he had told his cousin, Jungkook the other day wasn't just a joke- it was an underlying truth.

Just as Taehyung was about to speak up to the man, holding his arm firmly, he was interrupted by the sound of the main entrance opening... missing out on his chance to tell the older his feelings– People dressed in a big variety of colours, feathers and rhinestones flooded inside, hoping to catch the best spots for the long night.

Unbeknownst to the younger he had been spaced out for over three minutes, the time that had been left had ticked by in the blink of an eye and the guests arrived in droves.

The cat on the other hand was preoccupied with noting down how many females came parading inside, with eyes scanning the dance floor for a suitable man, or as Yoongi saw it- victim, to catch.

"Kitten~ I want you to meet my older brother" the taller whisper-yelled over the growing volume, making the older stare dumbfounded. "What? Why?" The hybrid asked irritatedly, mostly because of his agitation from the booming crowd... he couldn't get mad at Tae–the said man was just so mesmerizing, that the hybrid had deemed it as impossible for the time being.

"Well~ he wants to meet you and I think you'll like him!" The taller explained with a proud boxy grin and the cat sighed heavily.

"Yeah, yeah- whatever, but only if you can guarantee that I won't be hurt" the older demanded while crossing his arms over his chest. The hybrid had been promised a lot of things by people before– but luck had not always stood by his side, as a lot of the times he'd gotten cheated and beaten to bloody marrow instead...

"I promise~" Yoongi heard a deep whisper close to his ear. He turned around in a flash, meeting Tae's face only a few centimetres away from his own.

"I would never let him or anyone else hurt you" the prince continued calmly, with a soothing hand stroking over the shorter's neck and hair– something that made the cat lean into the touch, craving more of the other's warmth. The older lowered his head, trying to hide the tint of pink making it across his cheeks and neck– he felt awkward at the fact that he felt so comfortable around the taller man.

"M'kay- I'll go meet your brother" the hybrid agreed in a small mumble and Taehyung smiled widely.

"Wonderful!" He exclaimed before he lead his Kitten further into the room, towards where his brother should be at the moment.

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//AN: I feel like my eyes absolutely have to be lying to me... because I sincerely don't believe that I can have gotten 119 votes~

Like seriously, thank u so fu*king much from the bottom of my heart!

(Fun fact~ I feel like I have to censor myself when swearing, but not when I write Yoongi doing it O.o)

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