S E V E N- Underneath the sun

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"Sorry my love"

• • • •

Taehyung was patiently walking along every known path in the park– Not finding his beautiful Kitten anywhere.

He surely must be here somewhere... the prince thought to himself, while passing by a gardener who was working on the maze's bushy leafs.

"Maybe~" the tall man mused with a small smile, before turning around again, facing one of the many openings to the maze. Could he be in there? Taehyung questioned, almost wishing for it— He felt as if it would be a prize to find his Kitten in there.

Even though he couldn't know for sure— The prince made his way into the curving trails, taking him deeper into the big puzzle of small roads. Unfortunately for the prince, he had never really had the chance or time to explore the Butterfly park, which meant that he got stumped by many large walls of greenery.

He sighed as he turned around in slight annoyance. "Where are you Kitten?" Taehyung asked himself just before a bird came swooping down to the ground, picking at seeds of some sort. 

• • • •

Yoongi on the other hand was sleeping soundly, as the sun shone down through the streaks between the roses' branches. The small warmth that it brought upon him made his nap ever so slightly more enjoyable.

In his sleep he dreamt of a prince– All dressed in black. He couldn't see the royalty's face but he somehow still knew that the person was very handsome and somewhat familiar.

* "I have to go little one~ but I'll be sure to see you before I leave" the prince said sadly with his head hanging tiredly on his shoulders. The hybrid tried to bend forward to try and see the other's face, but even when the prince looked up with the moonlight reflecting onto his body, his face was just a mushy mist of darkness.

"Why do you have to leave? I don't want to be without you" the cat was conflicted as to why he had such strong feelings for the stranger in the dream, but he still couldn't keep back the longing words that escaped his mouth.

The prince walked up to the small man and embraced his tiny body in a warm hug– A smell of chocolate and cologne mixing together to form a wonderful scent to Yoongi, who nuzzled his head in the other man's chest. He held back sobs as he tried to calm down in the prince's grip. He shut his eyes tight before loosening his arms from around the other's torso, letting go slowly. His hand caught the hem of the man's shirt not wanting to let go completely.

"I'm sorry my love" the deep voice spoke before carefully untwining the cat's hands from him- walking away with heavy footsteps...*

• • • •

Taehyung was almost out of breath as he reached a small opening in one of the tracks. He stepped out into the sun filled area, flowers blooming beautifully around him. The tall man took a few steps further in, only to have his breath hitch.

The man stared in disbelief as he saw Yoongi~ his little Kitten tightly sleeping on a white wooden bench surrounded by roses and crawling plants, creating a small aura around him.

He stood there, for longer than planned, as he was stuck just watching the gorgeous being in front of him. He had to shake his head lightly, as if to assure himself that it was reality and not just a heavenly dream.

He took quiet steps onto the pavilion and sat down carefully beside the hybrid. The younger man reached up to place a few stray hairs behind the other's ear. Yoongi's bangs were falling lightly into his delicate yet sharp eyes, his mouth breathing out soft puffs of air in a slow phase. His lips were plump but just ever so dry from the cold air, his hands and arms were securely holding his legs as he rested his chin atop his skinny knees.

There's no one more beautiful, the prince thought as he just sat there observing the sleeping beauty.

He smiled to himself as he raised his hand with uttermost care, gently stroking his hand against the cat's surprisingly soft skin. Taehyung was so shocked at the hybrid's silky smooth skin that he retracted his hand in pure amazement.

—Yoongi felt something subtly caressing his face, making him feel warm and fuzzy in his sleep. He wanted to lean into the gentle touch, but it was suddenly gone– Making the older man open his eyes with a certain tiredness clinging to his eyelids.

He glanced up to his side to see Taehyung sitting beside him and the cat smiled lazily, picking up his hand to give a small wave. The younger cooed silently at the adorableness of the other, before he coughed awkwardly and sat up straighter [he was a prince and needed to act as one, even though his Kitten made his heart do flips in his chest].

"I'm sorry for waking you up Kitten~ but I thought to tell you more about the gala" the prince announced and Yoongi yawned stretching his arms in front of him- his ears and tail spiking out at the same time.

"What about it?" The hybrid questioned and Taehyung smiled warmly before facing the other a bit more.

"The gala starts at five~ and you being my company for the night, need to be there a bit earlier... about four thirty?" The prince spoke with his signature deep voice and the cat nodded. He had already agreed to go, so there was no point in fighting about such details– not to mention that he didn't really have anything else to do before it anyway.

"I-I was just thinking, seeing as I'm the one involving you in this Kitten~ would you like to get pampered a bit? I promise that I'd only send you to the best and most respectful people in the city of course" The taller man questioned and Yoongi rolled his eyes. He didn't feel any need to get piffed up by strangers, but the shining eyes of the younger in front of him made him rethink his decision.

"... I guess, I could maybe go along with it" he huffed out and Taehyung smirked widely with his eyes gleaming with something that almost looked like mischievousness.

"I'll get a carriage to get you at your house" the prince spoke, but was quickly cut of by the smaller man.

"No- there's no need, I can just take a short stroll to whatever place it is you want to send me" the hybrid explained and the younger visibly became a bit sadder. He had really wanted to know the other's address so he could easier find him when he wanted to.

• • • •

In the end the two of them decided that Yoongi would get a ride from the town square, seeing as one of the salons that Taehyung wanted to send him to wasn't actually inside the city walls. He would then get pampered to the extreme. –One of the reasons that the hybrid agreed was that there would be a promised big buffet, from which he could eat whatever he wanted.

After the salon— The carriage would take him to a tailor that Taehyung would have arranged to fix his getup for the evening. "Something fitting for a beautiful cat".

• • • •

//AN: A date it is~

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