T W E N T Y - Trust me

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"Help me!"

• • • •

Yoongi was clinging to his bed sheets as he writhed in antagonisation from his nightmare. He tried to back up further into the mattress as if to get some space between him and his fears appearing in said dream.

He was backing up in the narrow alleyway, as he focused his eyes on the shining point of a sharp blade, dangerously close to his own face.

The hybrid pressed himself up against the brick wall, while trying to search for a way out of the situation. He knew [all too well] how the reoccurring dream always ended.
The small male also knew that he wouldn't be fit to do anything for the rest of the day, if so was the case.

His pulse was already sky high when he heard a deafening crash and the petit frame flinched, shutting his eyes tight, but this time he wasn't hit... Yoongi was sure that the sound was real so he carefully peered open his eyes only to see the other brick wall on the opposite side of the alley. The knife along with the dark figure  standing behind it were gone...

—Even though this was the case he still didn't feel brave enough, to let go of his grip on the somehow comforting stone behind him.

Taking a deep breath in through his button nose and then out through his quivering lips–Yoongi slowly peeled himself of off the safety he had tried to create.

This was new for him... not being stabbed and painfully bleeding to death, gasping for something to save him in his frantic breathing... it was very new and somewhat terrifying.

He had never had the chance to explore the nightmare before, though he wasn't sure he truly wanted to either.

Yoongi took one, shaky, step towards the street inviting him outside of the alley. His legs weren't making it easy for him, when they decided to become jello, without the support of the wall.

The hybrid watched the piled gravel beneath his feet, on the pavement, as he took another hasty step forward- As if testing that his legs hadn't frozen in place.

Yoongi glanced up through his sweaty bangs— the world seemingly fleeting on clouds outside of the dark prison he was kept in. That same, always as haunting alley.

He tried, without success, to reach the outside of the alley. The small male truly did.

He watched as a group of people walked to a halt on the other side of the street before him. They were laughing and joking with each other from the looks of it. The shortest one punching someone, with a brightening smile, on the shoulder.

The hybrid knew he would never be able to reach their point. Hell, the cat didn't even want to get that far.

Yoongi only wanted to be able to get out of his nightmare and into the euphoric dream, which he believed laid ahead.

Soon Yoongi started jogging- accelerating up to running, still on weak and shaking legs. His breath became rigid as he started panting with each step and when he was just an arms length away to the lit up street, he reached out.

Holding his right arm out, as far as possible to try and capture the light streaming towards him.

—Yoongi's dream came plunging down in darkness once again... he felt himself stumble on his own feet. The hybrid fell onto the ground with a painful thud, hitting his chin in the process. His eyes blurred, ears laying flat atop his head and his tail painfully curled up beside his shaking body.

Ignoring the obvious blood and dirt on his face- The short male looked up to reassure himself that the street was still there and he managed to smile, as if to convince himself that he'd make it.

—That's when he felt it... a tug on the leg off his worn trousers. The hybrid snapped his head backwards to see the same dark figure as before. Yoongi's eyes stared, big and absolutely terrified, back at the force pulling him.

He tried to cling to the ground [to anything at all], to not get dragged further away from the street and deeper into his mind.

"Help me!" Yoongi screamed at the top of his lungs to the group, standing at the highest top of the gleaming road. Their faces turned, but it was as if they couldn't see him in the gloomy opening. A tall man with a unique smile seemingly grinned in his direction.

"Save... me" the cat muffled out as his voice slowly left him.

–Yoongi knew, the worst thing he could do at that moment was to look back at the figure, who held his feet firmly... but still- he glanced through his heavy eyelashes.

As if the small male was stuck– he couldn't look away anymore. He studied the figure, his heart skipping many beats when it started to mutate into all of his different fears all at once.

When Yoongi inevitably got to the creature's eyes, he felt something suddenly pull him... almost as if someone was trying to get him out of the alley and upwards to the night sky above.

Sitting up straight in the bed— Yoongi panted heavy breaths as he clutched the collar of the oversized shirt which he was wearing. Even though the hybrid evidently wasn't okay, the small male tried to calm himself down by telling himself that he was fine.

Yoongi brought his legs up to his chest, hugging them with a gloss forming over his eyes. He tugged on his bottom lip and felt as the warm tears piled up in his eyes and he held back the need to cry out to someone, anyone.
He knew it was futile to even try though, since no one was there, ever...

That's when the memories of yesterday's events flooded the older's brain.

Taehyung's gentle hands, caressing every little part of his pale skin...

That man was still there, Tae was still sleeping soundly beside him. Yoongi wasn't in the alleyway– he was in the safety of someone whom he confined trust in.

Even though this was the case– the smaller male couldn't help but to quietly sob at the horrid nightmare. The hybrid felt a throbbing headache, pulsating his whole body into a feverish heat– he shook his head, trying to get rid of it, even though he knew from experience that that wouldn't work in the end.

At least he wasn't alone this time.

• • • •

//AN: In all truth? — I've had some trouble sleeping the last couple days, but all of that was heavily made up by the fact that this book has gotten 7.76K reads and 620 votes! ()*

I would occupy my time with reading and every time I went back to check– the notifications would show 20 new reads/votes etc. (ω)


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