E I G T H- Mixed feelings

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"Rest assured"

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It was one day left before the gala and Yoongi was for unknown reasons a bit nervous. Why? He didn't know. He had just thought of it as a small gesture to satisfy Taehyung's irritating demands~ and the boxy grin he'd get in return wasn't so bad either, but why was he so damn nervous over something so simple?

He was pacing the street back and forth, people eyeing him weirdly for his odd behaviour, no to mention the cat tail, [that he was too busy to notice] was out.

The hybrid decided to try and get his mind on a different path, by taking a small stroll down an eerie street, going behind most stores. He felt like a sore thumb in the dreadful place. The cat was usually one of the people hiding in such areas, but ever since he meet Taehyung– with the new shirt and everything, he had somehow upgraded... even though he felt like the dark pavement underneath his feet was were he truly belonged. Having never felt like someone special enough to get up from the ground.

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The young prince was waltzing around the Maze kingdom's beautiful castle in a cheery mood, humming on some tune he had thought up at the moment. All personnel that were working for the gala, glanced amused as the royalty happily skipped down the gorgeously decorated hallways.

Red and black roses were adorning the great windows and mirrors along the walls. Candles, that were to be lit the next evening, standing every few steps apart with tables filled with all kinds of intricate drawings all over them- ready to be topped with snacks and foods when the guests were to arrive.

"Love of my life... don't leave me, you've taken my love ~" the prince whispered quietly as he entered the kitchen were he found Jin, baking something all alone.

The married-in prince [Seokjin] knew that the chefs had already prepared everything possible for the next day, so he had taken the liberty to bake some of his husband's favourite cupcakes for desert after the day's dinner.
The rather soon to be king, had been having to work non stop and as his spouse— Jin wanted to do something nice.

The older hadn't noticed Taehyung's presence and was dancing around one of the kitchen counters– Going to place the muffins in the oven, when he suddenly saw the other. The younger grinned as Jin jumped in shock and held a hand over his chest breathing in deeply.

"My dear heavens~ Don't scare me like that kid" Jin puffed shaking his head disapprovingly. The younger laughed loudly while walking closer to his brother's partner, dipping his pinky in a bowl of frosting, licking it with a content nod. Jin stared in horror at the little demon who behaved like a bad child.

"Hey- that's not for you!" Seokjin hurried to grab the topping from Taehyung, who smirked devilishly. "You can rest assured that it's certainly very good at least" the prince commented, jumping up on the counter to let his legs slightly hang in the air.

He swung his legs back and forth, watching as the older worked all around the kitchen.

"So~ Jin, what are you gonna wear tomorrow? I heard from Namjoon that he'll be in the all black formal royalty suit, are you going to match?" The younger mused, knowing the answer beforehand. Jin nodded with a small smile and a creeping blush, traveling up his neck.

—The two spoke quietly with each other until the muffins were done in the oven and Jin took them out with pride. They were very fluffy with a perfectly golden brown surface.

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