T W E N T Y F O U R - Poppy

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"Isn't he simply in his heat?" questioned the youngest loudly and the other three snapped their heads up at the words.

"In his what?" Taehyung inquired as he didn't actually know what heat was. For him it simply meant someone or something being excessively warm... which didn't quite seem to be the case.

Jungkook sighed deeply before leaning back, looking up at the older before letting his eyes slide past all of their expecting figures.

"A heat, is basically an animal in rut- it says here that certain hybrids have them, though for males it doesn't actually do anything" the youngest continued to read, from the withered pages as he scanned the text closely.

"Male hybrids simply have it because the gene has kept on being passed down. Nowadays, according to the book- it is mostly an inconvenience for these hybrids" Jungkook finished, all the while the former prince was trying to wrap his head around what he had just heard.

His Kitten was in heat?

"What can I do to help him though? That is the most important part!" the second youngest shouted, having forgotten that he was supposed to lay low while still being inside the castle walls.

"Take it easy... it doesn't say anything about any sort of help for males. For females though, its baths and poppies... apparently they're supposed to-""to calm them down" Jin finished the youngest sentence and Jungkook nodded.


"We do have some in our hospital cabinets upstairs, from when mother was having sleeping problems a while back" Namjoon intervened and Tae nodded before standing up hastily.

—"Let's go then!" he demanded while quickly striding towards the doors, but he soon got stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"You still can't be seen around here... tell me the address you're staying at and I'll personally send it to you, not to mention that Yoongi most certainly needs you as fast as possible" the former prince's older brother calmly stated and Taehyung nodded defeated.

"I guess you're right".

• • • •

[At the house]

As Taehyung came rushing into the room, he found his precious Kitten once again by the reopened window, ice cold and stale to the touch. "Hey, sweetie... please come with me" Tae whispered soothingly to his adorable cat, whom was blankly staring out onto the pavement down below.

Tae quickly opened the tap, letting steaming hot water fill the small tub as he gently led Yoongi into the bathroom. Without much enjoyment, he undressed the almost statue-like person, before carefully setting the other down in the water.

The hybrid was basically gone. His mind had been turned off, as he just stared at the tiles in front of him. The pain which he felt crawling inside him and spreading from his gut, had taken over all his senses and he couldn't do anything. Even the most simple task such as moving a finger, any muscle at all, was strikingly agonising.

Taehyung of course noticed the older's neutral yet somehow very pained expression, as he slowly rinsed the other's pale body. The tiny male's cheeks and nose were flushed as the temperature differences had made his body react. The cat's ears and tail were tightly pressed alongside his own frame as water was lightly scooped up onto his back. Tae's familiar hand rubbing it.

"My brother is coming soon, he'll bring tea which could maybe help you" the taller explained as he kept on bathing the smaller, who still didn't move a muscle.

• • • •

[Twenty minutes later]

A careful knock was heard on the wooden door and Tae snapped his head away from his precious Kitten, who was starting to warm up in the reheated water [which the younger had brought in].

—"It's me Namjoon, I have-" before said person could finish his sentence, the door to the small apartment opened before him and he almost jumped at the sudden appearance, of his younger brother.

"Come in! Hurry" Tae ushered the older to follow him, leading him to the quaint kitchen.

Namjoon quickly found a kettle to boil some water in, all the while Tae went away to get his Kitten ready for bed. It might not have been time for sleep, but the oldest truly needed it and with the seed of the poppy he would surely get it.

–As Taehyung went inside the bathroom he noticed that Yoongi's tail was all puffy and standing straight out, he followed the small male's every move as he withered around in the white tub.

The younger truly hoped, needed, the tea to work... otherwise he had no idea what to do.

"Yoongi my love, I'll help you up" Tae spoke softly as he neared the bathtub, but the older hissed at him angrily.

—"DON'T TOCUH ME!" he yelled out loudly, all though his voice didn't hold any anger in it whatsoever.

"Hey, you know I only ever want to help you" the taller said, trying to reason with the shaken male, who was soaked head to toe in the now much colder water.

Yoongi looked up at the hand which was so familiarly reached out to him and he stared at it– He remembered all those times when he had dreamt of a saviour, who had been forced to leave... or groups of people whom he himself wanted to reach out to.

The hybrid had never enjoyed those nights, the times when he'd have no one to turn to and nobody who ever listened to him.

He did have that now, but he felt too vulnerable... too exposed to act- So he didn't have to.

Taehyung picked up the slender male in his arms, carrying him in the nicest towel he could find and set him down on their bed. The youngest hurried to get the oldest's clothes, while Namjoon brought in the poppy-tea to his younger brother's lover.

"This will help" Namjoon stated clearly, as he brought up the warm liquid to the older's lips and Yoongi grimaced as he felt it scalding his throat's insides.

"No more-" the cat whined as he tried to push away the cup in the other's hands, but Namjoon shook his head firmly.

"No, you need the whole cup or otherwise it won't work... I need you, because you're everything to my brother and I could never live without him" the next to be king explained sadly and the hybrid glanced up, into the younger's eyes.


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//AN: Okay so quick explanation:
Someones' 'heat' is usually describes as a monthly cycle... which to me sounds like a periods for females.

However: horny-ness may be the only positive thing, there's a lot more to it— Like endless pain and cramps... I'm not saying he's capable of mpreg~ 'cause he's not, but that's what I picture Yoongi's heat to be. Painful.
So yeah~

(Thanks to anyone still reading this)

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