T W O- Catching his attention

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"I won't bring anyone"


Yoongi had just woken up in the middle of a shabby alley, it only looked like a skinny little knock, that was situated between two bakeries... however, him resting there was actually intentional, because he knew from experience that both companies would throw out the leftovers from the day before, which meant that the hybrid would get some long lost breakfast.

After having caught the unexpectedly small piece of bread, the tiny boy stood up straight, stretching his arms and legs, his joints popping in a satisfying way whilst doing so. He started to make his way around the city, strolling around the houses and workshops which were already open for the day. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed a blacksmith yelling at some apprentice and a bit further down the saw street, the while the wife of a baker was coughing loudly from flour filling the air.

It brought up the ever so pressing question inside the short male's head... he truly had thought about getting a job before, alas no one would keep him after they'd eventually find out about him being a hybrid... no one did.

Yoongi's parents had initially even thought that they'd birthed a freak, after which they left him on the doorstep to a slave-company, where he was then sold off to a rich family... he'r thankfully escaped from that wretched place a few years later, but those months there had been utter hell... but his hasty get-away was also how he ended up in a the Maze Kingdom, which sat countless kilometres away from his hometown.

Yoongi's remiscing was cut short when he heard a deep voice saying "Well, well, well, fancy meeting you here" to him. The person was placed behind him, which would've made the hybrid very startled if it wasn't for the fact that he recognised it to be the irritating man from the previous night and so he just rolled his eyes, ignoring the other.

Bloody half-head! the shorter mildly cursed in his head, trying to come up with an equally as insulting nickname as Kitten.

"I see you're still wearing your white shirt" the man continued, emphasising white since it was clearly stained up to the point of not sporting its original colour any longer, probably not having done so fo a very long time either. "Shut up" the hybrid mumbled and the taller smirked  broadly, bending forward to get closer to the smaller person.

"What's your name Kitten?" the other continued to ask and Yoongi huffed crossing his arms.

"Why would I ever tell you?" he questioned, he couldn't really believe that the question was brought up in the first place... who would ever willingly pit themselves in such a dangerous position?

The man dressed in all black began pondering to himself, thinking that maybe he could joke with the other guy, perhaps let it slip that because he was from the royal family the other therefore was forced to answer any of his questions truthfully by the law... but in hindsight that would probably not be interpreted in the intended way and so he settled on something he deemed as even funnier.

"Well, I have nothing against calling you Kitten for the rest of time, but what do you feel about being called Kitten, Kitten?" he teased in an amused tone as his grin grew wider and Yoongi was about to slap the guy, his hand being brought out, but the still frost covered ground beneath his feet unfortunately made him loose his footing and he rather ungracefully fell onto his bum.

Yoongi saw how a hand was suddenly reached out in front of him and he glared at it, before unwillingly grabbing a hold of it. The taller brought the hybrid up to their feet, accidentally using too much force and making the other bump into his own body in the process. Yoongi's breath slightly hitched, before he quickly made sure to put a larger distance between himself and the man.

"I can tell you my name, if that'll make you anymore willing to spill yours, little Kitten?" the stranger inquired with a quirked brow and Yoongi scrunched up his nose in an unimpressed manner "Yeah... but what if I don't care?" he hissed out and the other just continued to smile brightly.

"I'm Taehyung" the black-clad man finished with, not caring for the other's opinion on the simple matter of introductions. Yoongi, who still hadn't caught up on who the other man could possibly be, just waved his hand dismissively, unfazed by the stranger's name.

"Can I go now?" Yoongi asked still not willing to give up his name, at that point, it almost felt like that was the only thing that hadn't been taken away from him. "Oh but pretty please Kitten?" Taehyung almost begged, something that he only ever did to his mother, the queen, and still only when he really, really wanted something, also giving the hybrid puppy-dog eyes. The taller even went so far as to childishly clinging to the smaller guy's arm, tugging repeatedly on the other's sleeve.

"Ugh, can't you just give up, what does it matter to you anyway?" Yoongi shrugged, all the while trying his best at wriggling his arm out of Taehyung's grip.

Who is this person anyway? the hybrid asked inside his head, just before leaving the man standing behind him, watching as his own steps brought him further away, to safety.


Taehyung couldn't believe it... his Kitten had resisted his charms again! He was so intrigued by the short hybrid... yet he also felt like there was something off... as if his little Kitten was closed off for a specific reason. Something which sadly might not be so fun.

Interrupting his deep thoughts, Jungkook, his youngest cousin, came rushing in through his bedroom-door, without even announcing himself prior... the younger was dressed in their palace clothing, a colourful pastel shirt with cleanly pressed black dress pants...

However, the prince wasn't having it and so he just raised his voice slightly, stating a clear "Out!" as he had no energy to talk to the other

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However, the prince wasn't having it and so he just raised his voice slightly, stating a clear "Out!" as he had no energy to talk to the other... but Jungkook ignored his cousin's comment and strode into the room with a proud grin plastered onto his face.

"Prince Namjoon wanted me to ask you if you've gotten a date for the gala yet?" the younger questioned and Taehyung groaned, visibly angered by the other's presence... but even more so by the inquiry.

"No and I won't bring anyone either" he grunted, his body sprawled out and lazily laid back on a black leather chair.

"You haven't asked anyone either, so why is he only nagging me about this?" the prince whined out and Jungkook chuckled at his cousin's overly dramatic anger... because the answer was quite simple.

"You're his brother, I'm not" the younger pondered and Taehyung let out a heavy sigh, before he abruptly sat up straighter in the chair, swinging his legs over the edge of the cushioned seat.

"I know! I just met this guy, he'd be perfect" Taehyung practically yelled out and Jungkook quirked a brow at his cousin's sudden reaction... he knew that the second prince could be a hit weird from time to time... but a random guy? "A guy you just met? Who?" the brunet asked with intrigue, his eyes expectingly awaiting an answer as he leaned in closer towards the other. Taehyung slapped away the other's face and stood up.

"Like I'd tell you, you'd only steal him away" the older swiftly added, all before taking off his jacket, beginning to prepare for the assembled dinner with all of his family.


The gala was in a week... and he'd managed to  meet the hybrid twice in two days so far, he'd most certainly meet him again before the big night...


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