T W E N T Y S I X - Settling down

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"Our own happy place"

• • • •

"The new king is stepping up" the duo heard almost echoing in the air.

They sat completely still.

"What does that incline for you? Us?" Yoongi asked the former prince, who looked back at him with tearful eyes, the other's vision shaky. He could barely make out the figure of his precious hybrid.

"I-I don't, I don't know Kitten..."

The cat didn't know how to comfort the younger so he settled with cuddling him, nuzzling his head and fluffy ears into the other's neck. Trying to calm Tae by his own physical contact.

They sat like that, curled up together– not doing anything, for what seemed like an eternity.

Not even speaking.

• • • •

[A few days later]

"Taehyung, I see you've moved to another place" Namjoon stated as he entered the small villa just outside the old part of the city. "Yeah, we wanted to be closer to the bakeries" the younger mumbled, as he was almost too scared to look his own brother in the eyes...

—He knew what was coming and he wasn't prepared for it just yet. He was aware that his older sibling would come and talk to him, but still he had failed in mentally preparing for it.

"Tae, you certainly must already know about my new position and I hope that you understand that I'll happily name you prince Kim Taehyung once again" the older said, all the while Tae burrowed his head into Yoongi's neck– escaping the vision of the other.

"You both can come live with us, again" he continued as the hybrid petted the former prince's back, trying to calm him.

"I'm sorry Namjoon, but... but I-I"

"Namjoon, I-I actually think that I-I'll stay here" Taehyung whispered out almost inaudibly and Yoongi looked at the younger with amazement.

"I will always be your younger brother and I will always, always come visit you... but I want to stay in this new house with my precious Kitten, Min Yoongi" the youngest explained with heavy breaths, now taking his head out of its hiding place– in order to look at his family member's reaction.

Namjoon was smiling sadly.

"I love you so god damn much you dingus" the king mumbled as he reached out to embrace his younger brother along with Yoongi in his arms, hugging both of them very tightly. "You must come visit and I'll make sure to get everyone to come here once in a while" Namjoon stated and Taehyung nodded with joyful tears in his eyes, before he glanced over to the smaller male in his lap.

-Yoongi was shocked by the whole commotion to say the least... Taehyung, a stranger whom he met at night on a side-street had gone from an agonising little bug to his best friend, his soulmate.

He used to see the younger as just another pest who'd leave him to rot after he'd grow bored with him... but that never happened. Taehyung kept on exceeding his expectations, whenever the never ending compliments and well-wishes left the taller's lips.

He truly was a lucky human being.

• • • •

[At the castle]

"Where is he? Where is that little monster?" Seokjin questioned, as he saw the door open and his husband came inside their private quarters. The older waited for someone to come in behind him, but the door was then shut. He snapped his head up at the taller male questioningly, to which Namjoon only shook his head.

"He isn't coming back. The prince has found his precious Kitten and will stay with him in their own little happy place" Namjoon mused happily as he went up to hug his spouse tightly.

"Taehyung you little monster, how can you've grown up so fast?" Jin asked himself out loud, to which Namjoon lightly chuckled, all the while the two of them walked out onto their balcony.

"We've all got our own happy place now"

• • • •

//AN: Okay so this was actually the last chapter- I honestly didn't know if I should've finished it off without any comment. . . but I really gotta say a HUGE thank u to everyone and anyone who started reading this and has kept with me ever since~

All the help this story has gotten is incredible and still blows my mind!

So, once again, THANK YOU!

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