N I N E- Interrupted

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"Meet him"

• • • •

Yoongi was scared. He had been sitting in the darkness of the alley for longer than he should have— The sun was slowly reappearing on the sky once again, meaning that he had been there for countless of hours, without either eating or moving whatsoever.

The hybrid was seemingly stuck in the little corner. Not being able, nor wanting, to move.

He was shaking, as he had been doing ever since the other day because of the incident with the woman– Waiting for something else to happen. What that something was, he didn't know yet.

As the minutes ticked, more people started passing by on the open street outside of the mournful passageway. 

"Oh shit"

Yoongi mumbled as he realised that he needed to get ready to leave for the town square– He had a freaking appointment made by Taehyung that day... The hybrid smiled weakly at the thought of the younger man's ever so joyful face.

The cat picked himself up slowly, leaning on the container next to him for support. His legs almost gave away as the let go off the metal bin.

He staggered out of the alley with puffy eyes. People would try to ignore the obviously hurt boy- acting as if nothing was wrong. The hybrid didn't blame them though, he understood that they were too unsure to do anything.

Most people would avoid him when he was his usual self, so it was almost obvious to the cat that they'd be awkward around him in his then state.

• • • •

He stood on tired legs beside the fountain, in the middle of the square, waiting for his pickup. He was starting to get rather bored with just standing there and in the process– the cat's thoughts made themselves more present by the second... Occupying his whole mind, without any intention of it.

His breathing started picking up phase as his vision got blurrier- until... he heard horse hooves clappering against the hard stone.

The hybrid snapped his head up, out of his glooming thoughts, to see a dark brown carriage. Black curtains draping the inside, with golden buttons and ornaments decorating both the interior and exterior... was he a stray hybrid supposed to go in that? Yoongi thought to himself in pure disbelief.

"Am I right to assume that you are mr Yoongi sir?" a man came out from the front, clad in a sleek black and white suit. The short boy nodded dumbfounded, not really sure what the answer would lead to. He felt like it would be wrong for him to be in such a prestigous carriage.

"Marvellous, please step inside and we'll take you to the designated salon sir" the stranger announced, opening the door in a bow. The hybrid stood there baffled for a minute, before he hurried to take a shaky step inside. Was he really going to do this?

The inside was even more beautiful up close. Everything— from the intricately curved wood around the windows to the piece of artwork hanging securely, on the opposite side of which the cat was sitting by, it was all almost too much...

• • • •

Namjoon was working by his desk in his office, when his younger brother decided to interrupt him... unannounced.

"Namjoonie!" The younger spoke loudly barging in through the clearly closed door. Instead of pointing out the younger's flaw– the older prince settled with a tired glare resting on his features.

"Yes?" He questioned raising one of his brows highly, what could be so important that he'd have to distract him from his work? The older thought to himself, mentally shaking his head.

"It's about my date for the night" the young prince announced happily with a boxy grin growing on his face. Namjoon couldn't help but to be ever so slightly interested in the newly brought up subject– his little brother hadn't told much about the said person...

"Yes?" The older urged the other to continue and Taehyung sat down in the black velvet chair in front of his brother's large desk. "Yoongi, oh Yoongi~ you should've come to meet him Joonie... he is just so great in every way. I-I... I don't even know what to say" the younger said dreamily before trailing off.

"I, I- will start stuttering because I feel such a strong need to be closer to him, and-and I'll just..." Taehyung quieted down without being able to finish his sentence once again.

"I'm intrigued to meet him today then" Namjoon stated after a moment of silence, with a knowing smirk having taken over his face.

• • • •

When the horses finally came to a halt, Yoongi glanced out through the window of the door. Outside stood a picturesque two story mansion, painted in an odd peach colour that the hybrid had never once seen before.

The carriage was suddenly opened and the cat, that previously had been leaning, basically pressing himself against the wooden frame– almost fell out onto the gravel when the door swung wide. The hybrid felt somewhat exposed by the unforeseen action and shrugged back into the cushioned seat ever so slightly.

The same man as before, in the black and white tuxedo, strutted up to the opening before reaching out his gloved hand for Yoongi to take.

The cat stared at the offered help but decided against it— taking a small leap, landing on the ground rather swiftly, he was not ready to be, as open as he thought himself to be with Taehyung, with anyone else... no matter if that someone was working for the mentioned person.

"Sir Yoongi- if you please would allow me to escort you inside and they'll be ready, waiting for your arrival" the old man bowed with a polite smile and the hybrid nodded while following the man.

Once they entered through the heavy entrance, the two of them were meet by a team of personnel who stood ready with weird products and equipment in their hands...

This was gonna be a weird experience, Yoongi thought as he was lightly nudged further inside the pompous house.

Along the walls hung weird pictures of people in, what the cat assumed to be, the latest trend in fashion and make up— Being nothing more than whimsical nonsense to the small hybrid.

• • • •

//AN: I'm honestly completely shook*^*
This book has gotten 700+ reads and 71 votes!!!! AAAHHHHHHHH This is so cool!

With this^ I just wanna say a big thank you to anyone reading Managing a Cat.

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