T E N- Running late

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"A maiden in love"

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The salon had been enthralling to say the least. However– Yoongi was done with everything, his hair and face, with all except for his outfit, which he was now getting put in at the tailor's.

They had sewn a delicate white blouse with feint flowers embroidered into the silky fabric. Small leaves adorned thin branches and a frilly collar decorated the cut around the neck.

The hybrid thought that the shirt was truly breathtaking

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The hybrid thought that the shirt was truly breathtaking... but he ruined it with his looks- it could have been so pretty if only someone else was wearing it, the cat thought to himself while staring silently into one of the mirrors.

"Is it to your liking sir?" An older woman smiled warmly, with her hands folded in front of her. She was wearing a pastel yellow dress and that fell just above her ankles, with an apron filled with needles, pins and other sewing equipment on top. Her grey hair was tied up into a small twirling bun on the top of her head, making her appear a bit taller than she actually was.

—Yoongi nodded rapidly to show appreciation, to which the female chuckled lightly before turning to get something. The older brought up a skinny necklace made out of pure lace with small pearls decorating it. She held it up to the hybrid's throat mentioning for him to give her better access.

The cat slightly bent forward while the old woman hatched the choker on in the back of his neck.

The lady nodded approvingly at the sight, backing up a little to admire her work. "You'll turn some heads at the gala tonight young man" she proudly stated going up to him to straighten the blouse a tiny bit at the side.

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[In the dining room inside the castle]

"Prince Jin! You've outdone yourself once again~ yesterday those cupcakes and now with these amazingly tasteful cookies " the queen spoke softly, with a certain elegance which she carried with her at all times.

"I'm honoured my queen" the man said with a small bow of his head, before turning to his gorgeous husband beside him.

"What do you think hun?" Seokjin asked with hopeful eyes and the taller man answered with a big hug for his spouse. "I love them, thank you love" the prince whispered into the other's ear and both of them stayed like that– All the while, everyone else started rattling around, standing up to leave for the final preparations before the gala.

And then there was Taehyung... he was basically jumping from place to place.

The youngest family member of the royalty was way too excited to be able to calm his jittering nerves– So said person decided [after a bit of debating with himself] that it was for the best to take a small stroll outside, to get some fresh air and cool down if possible.

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