S I X T E E N- Curfew

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"Do as you like"

• • • •

The royal family and their closest relatives were eating quietly. Great amounts of luxurious food was perfectly plated, on beautiful china with shining golden cutlery to go along... however everything about the long evening seemed overbearing and boring to the young prince, who was lazily scooting a piece of asparagus around on his plate.

—"Son, please answer your mother's question" the youngest prince heard his father [the king] say and he looked up from the decorated plate. "Hm?" he hummed questioningly, as he hadn't heard what the queen had said in the first place.

His mother leaned forward, resting her head in both her hands delicately. "Tae, I was wondering why you seem so down all of a sudden? You haven't been yourself today" his mother stated with a sad expression spread across her features, the other relatives kept on chatting amongst themselves... though Jungkook was secretly eavesdropping on their conversation.

"I think you know why..." the youngest prince mumbled, with a sour tone and the queen shook her head no. "I don't, that's why I'm asking- so please tell me" she urged the tall boy and he sighed heavily...

The prince didn't know where to begin—obviously he was overly concerned with Yoongi and wanted to get some form of contact with him as soon as possible, but that was out of the question. Then there was the fact that he had been on lockdown in his room for the last couple of hours to study weird and [in Taehyung's opinion] unnecessary subjects, such as the different countries' emblems.

"Well, for starters... this whole day has felt like one big curfew- seeing as I haven't been able to do anything that I myself want" the tall male explained, trying to keep calm as he spoke with his mother. "You're a prince son, you cannot always do as you like" his parent argued for her strict behavior, to which her son only glared lightly.

"I know- but this all only ever became too much since you heard of the person I've been meeting up with!" Taehyung couldn't help but to whisper-yell at the queen and she held a hand to her chest, as if to defend herself.

"Tae, I would never-" she tried to talk on her own behalf, but her son wasn't having it. The youngest prince stood up hastily, almost making his heavy chair fall over behind him. "I'm done for today" he said firmly, before walking out of the big dining room.

Everyone else had stopped speaking as they watched him exit the double doors and Jungkook smiled awkwardly, before quickly following his cousin's steps.

• • • •

"Hey TaeTae- Wait up!" The prince could hear his younger relative shout, from down the corridor and he stopped in his tracks, but didn't bother to turn around.

"Yes?" He questioned, still facing the empty hall in front of him. He heard Jungkook getting closer and once the fast steps had stopped– the taller glanced to his side, to see him standing there with an encouraging smile.

—"Hey~ if you really want to contact your lover, I can send a message to him" Jungkook offered his help, to which the older both furiously blushed but also nodded violently.

"Please do~ however he's not my lover" the prince spoke, trailing off on the last part. "Yet~" he heard his cousin sing cheerfully and he unconsciously smiled at the small comment.

"Thank you Jungkook, really" Taehyung said warmly to the younger, who just waved his hand at the royalty's words.

"Don't mention it, you saved me from that horrible lord's daughter- but anyways, what do you want me to tell him?" The younger asked and Tae straightened his back, trying to come up with a good enough message on the spot.

"Please tell him that I'm sorry that I haven't been able to do more for him, that I'll try to get to him personally in the near future, also ask him how he's feeling and please tell him... tell him that I miss him" the older rambled up and the younger nodded, even though he wasn't sure he'd be able to remember everything just off the bat.

• • • •

[Somewhere in the city]

"Motel Paradise on the fifth of Lost... well isn't that a fitting name, for a street which I can't find?" Jungkook muttered under his breath, pulling at the small crumbled up note in his hand.

The young boy had fortunately gotten a few scribbles from his older cousin, before he hastily left... much because of Tae, who literally pushed him outside the castle walls.

–A few keywords had hastily been given to him, in order to remember everything which his cousin wanted the hybrid to hear [whom Jungkook had still to meet].

"Might I help you young sir?" Some person's voice asked and the young boy spun around, to face a shorter male— who was suspiciously leaning against a wall, his hair tied with a bandana and his eyes studying his every move cautiously.

"...Yes, actually~ could you pinpoint me in the direction of the street Lost. I'm searching for a motel" Jungkook admitted and the tiny male hummed before kicking off of the stone wall. His feet agile but yet seemingly dragging behind him.

The tiny person in front of Jungkook bored his eyes into the other... before sighing heavily with a shake off his head. "I don't know how you could've missed it. You must've passed it- its two streets up from here" the shorter man explained while crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh that's great, thank you so much-? What do I call you?" Jungkook asked courteously and the tiny male snorted at the question. "Why'd I tell you? You're just like Tae tsk-" the tiny male mumbled, his words quieting down and trailing off at his very last words.

The taller was about to comment on the other's snappy answer, but caught his own words when he thought about the other's last words, which left the other's pouty lips...

Just like Tae...

"Wait, you! Don't go..."

• • • •

//AN: Don't mind me over here... in the corner... by myself~ Crying from the overwhelming support!!

To which, THANK U, I always feel so much better after having seen all the reads and comments (UwU)

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