Spoiled Plans

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"Basically, I spent the entire damn day raking the fucking yard only for the wind and rain to make it look as if I did jack shit!" I push the curls that have fallen in my eyes away as I sip on my wine watching Stef as she listens to me intently. If I'm honest, I've been rattling non-stop since we arrived to my house only because I'm nervous as all get out. I know that she is feeling the same sexual tension floating in the air between us because I've watched her face flush all the way down her neck and her eyes darken the way they have for the past couple of years. Only I never picked up on it until this year.

"My goodness, Lena Adams! I don't think I've ever heard you cuss like that! Ever!" She laughs deeply now as she sets down her bottle of beer and leans over to take my glass of wine, setting it next to her cold drink.

"Really? Are you..sure?" I giggle as my heart rate picks up even more. She moves closer to me, running her fingers down the side of my flushed face.

"Mmm...no, ma'am," she winks at me as she licks her lips, moving her fingers to lightly grab my chin.

I inhale abruptly and she moves even closer. "Are you okay, sweetheart?"

I blush deeper still and move so that our legs are now tangled. I raise my shaky hand and run it over the top of my head as I nod. "I'm..I'm good..."

She slightly pulls my chin closer as her lips move toward mine. "I make you this nervous? Hmm?"

I can feel her hot breath across my face, and it ignites the fire deep inside of me making me quiver. This woman makes me forget who I am and where I am. I forget all of my morals, and I forget that I have a girlfriend who may come home any second. Yet, I bridge the leftover gap between us as I place my hands on either side of her face and kiss her deeply.

She quickly moves to pull me onto her lap, and we end up falling back, me on top. And as much as I am not so used to this position with anyone...ever...I find myself easily beginning to grind against her as we begin kissing heatedly. "Stef..." I whimper as my tongue drags across the side of her neck, and I find myself swirling my tongue behind her ear. God, she smells heavenly, and breathing her in like this makes me so wet, I'm almost sure she can feel it through my clothes.

"Stef..." I whimper again as I feel her push me back slightly so she can quickly pull my clothes off.

"You want me?" she breathes as she unbuttons her jeans and throws them off to the side, and I nod as I help her with her bra.

"I can't hear you..." she places her hand on my chest before I can lay back down on top of her, and I nod once more. "Louder, baby..." she commands as I position my middle over her thigh.

"What do you think?" I breathe as I begin to grind down on the hardened muscles of her leg, my wetness spreading across her skin.

I place my hands on either side of her as I hover over her, and we look deeply into each other's eyes, both breathing heavily. But she's not convinced for some reason, and I feel her grab both of my wrists before moving me off of her. "Stef...." I groan as she pushes me to sit on the back of the couch. "What...fuck..."

She quickly pushes my legs wide open and she smiles devilishly up at me as she runs her tongue on my inner thighs. "You don't answer me, then I'll just do this..." she begins sucking softly on the sensitive skin, making me throw my head back and begin pulling on her long blonde hair.

"Please! Stef!!!!!" I moan now as my legs begin to shake. I look down in time to see her smile widely as she moves in to drag her tongue through my swollen folds. I don't know how long or how many times she makes me ebb and flow, but I'm almost sure that I've lost all sense of reality as I shiver and shake and rock against her experienced mouth.

By the time we are done, I am above her once more, grinding against her soaking wet pussy as our breasts move over each other's and our tongues tangle in complete bliss, and neither of us hear my phone that has been vibrating off and on over the past half hour.



"Do you think you'll be able to stay away from me anymore?" I smirk as I finish buttoning up my shirt. We have just finished fucking the hell out of each other for the past hour and a half before I remembered...Amber.

She blushes shyly as she fixes her hair and reaches for her wine glass and heads towards her kitchen. "I think I'll manage!"

I laugh as I chase her and stop as she pulls out her cold Chinese food. "I'm not so sure about that..." My smile fades as we both hear the car door in the attached garage, and she cusses under her breath. I'm glad I grabbed my beer bottle and we had fixed the living room before coming in here because we'd look suspicious if  we were seen running around before she entered the house.

"Heyyyyy!!!!!!" Amber smiles widely as she sees me and sets her briefcase on the counter.

I nod and raise my beer as she turns to look at Lena who is dishing out her food. "I tried calling you several times. Good thing I ate before I came home!"

Her sarcasm doesn't go unnoticed, and I can tell that Lena is instantly irritated as she steps on her small trash can under the sink and disposes of the empty containers. "You said you were eating at the office, remember?"

"Ya, but I would have picked up more wine or snacks for later if you had just picked up your phone!"

I clear my throat and down the rest of my beer suddenly aware of the fact I shouldn't be here right now. Amber turns to look at me. "You'd think if you had a phone, you'd actually use it, right! I mean, c'mon!" she opens the fridge and pulls out one of my beers, and begins chugging it down. I make eye contact with Lena who is now fuming.

"Really? You're gonna do this tonight?"

Amber looks at her and sighs. "C'mon, I'm sorry. I'm being an ass. I got your favorite holiday movie, Hocus Pocus, for tonight!"

She begins eating her food, practically shoveling it in her mouth now, not making eye contact with anyone. "I'm going to bed after I eat. I'm exhausted from today," she mutters over a mouthful of crab rangoon.

I feel awful actually, and I can tell she is as miserable as all get out, and I open my mouth to tell them both good-bye when Amber angrily picks up her brief case. "Really? What did you do today that made you so god-damn tired? I've been working non-stop since sunrise, yet I still came home so we could spend time together! This is the fourth week in a row you've been tired! You know what? Fuck this shit! I'm going out with the girls! And don't look for me to come home tonight!" She storms out of the room, and we can hear her running up the steps towards their room so she could shower and change.

It's not until we both hear the water running, that we dare look at each other, and when Lena does look my way, I know I'm in for a very long night.


**Thank you for the patience with me updating. I've been super busy in my personal life, but I'm glad that I'm able to update for you guys tonight! What do you think happens next?**

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