Chapter 18: The Art of Letting Go

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When Ryder woke the next morning he saw Violet curled up on his couch picking her up with ease trying not to wake her he placed her in his bed tucking her in. Ryder decided that he should check on Penelope, he knew she was upset last night even if she wouldn't admit it. Just as he was about to walk into her room he heard her voice.

"Hey buddy. How are you doing?" Penelope asked her voice was mixed with happiness and sorrow.

"When are you coming back home Pen?" a little voice asked. Ryder assumed it was a boy.

"I don't think I am coming home this time bud." She sniffled.

"Helen is so mean to me. Marco he's just so." He sobbed.

"What did Marco hit you? Baby what happened? Talk to me." Penelope asked her voice was now starting to sound a panic.

"I just miss you. Please come home Penny. I need a mommy. Helen fired Linda because Linda yelled at her." He stated trying to control his sobs. "You'll come home for my birthday, you are always here for my birthday."

"I'll try buddy. I love you kid." Penelope choked.

"I love you too Penny. I gotta go Julie wants her computer back."

"Alright kid, be good." Penelope stated trying not to let the sadness slip through. It was silent for minute until a loud burst of crying erupted from Penelope. She slammed her fist against her desk. She flung her arms across the desk flinging everything to the ground. Her body started to shake as her eyes burned with tears.

"Penelope." Ryder whispered holding his arms open. Penelope rushed into them sobbing heavily into his shirt. He wrapped his arms around her. He waited until she was ready to talk or say anything. He held her this way for twenty minutes trying to ignore the surging tingling sensation running throughout his body.

Penelope pulled away brushing her hair out her face. "I'm such a freak show." She laughed humorlessly.

"No you're human. Who was that by the way?"

"Ian, my little brother. Actually he might as well be my son. I'm the only one who actually remembers he exists." Penelope explained wiping her eyes.

"Oh so that's what that tattoo is about." Ryder said absent mindedly rubbing circles over hip where her Ian tattoo was located.

"You saw that?"

"I've seen you naked twice Penelope, you don't think I would check you out?" Ryder smirked.

"Oh yeah." Penelope blushed.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I was just checking on you since I know as much as you put on a brave face Stephen hurt you." Ryder explained his mouth growing into a tight line.

"Oh no, it's okay he decided that we are going to be official so he's taking me out tomorrow night." Penelope explained with a small smile. Truth be told Penelope wasn't sure if she wanted to be exclusive with Stephen but she was going to give him a shot.

"So what do you have planned for today?"

"I was just going to drive out pick up some paint for my mural and then who knows. I really don't want to be in the house today." Penelope shrugged.

"Do you think I can tag along? Hunter still pissed and Axel has been ignoring me since dad made his announcement."

"Hunter will get over it soon, I hope. As far as the thing with Axel I don't blame your father for his decision. I think if he was going to leave the company to either one of you it should be you." Penelope explained placing her hand on his shoulder. "You can come with me if you want. I kind of want a break from the girls anyway."

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