Chapter 24: Too Good to be True

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*This chapter is very important its pretty much a key chapter. Also it was like 27 pages long on word so Enjoy. Also a picture of Hunter*

Scarlett had been looking for Axel all over the Anderson household it had never once occurred her to check outside not until she saw him from his old bedroom window. He was sitting by the fire pit staring into it deeply as if he was having the whole worlds secret being unfolded in front of his very eyes. She said nothing as she approached, she sled into the seat next to him wrapping the blanket she had brought for them and watched dance too. Axel smiled interlocking their fingers. He loved how she could just be. It felt so right like all of his worries and problems had melted away in that one gesture.

"Scar,about your Christmas present..." he struggled to explain until Scarlett locked her lips to his.

"You don't need to explain." she whispered finally pulling back. "I understand you're not use to having a girlfriend or giving thoughtful gifts I'm just happy to have you in this moment."

"Baby, as much as I appreciate the fact you get me, I actually got you something that should land me in the boyfriend hall of fame." He smirked.

Scarlett's eyes danced with excitement. Axel pulled her up to her feet. As he lead her to the Dawson's garage he pulled the tarp that was cover something that Scarlett couldn't even begin to believe was real.

"You remembered." she cried.

"Yea." Axel blushed rubbing his neck. "I didn't even just buy it I did some work on her too. She faster than she is legally suppose to be."

"How did you even get this it's not suppose to be released for another couple of months?"

"I am a Dawson if I want something I get it." Axel smirked.

"Good thing I'm not attracted to your humble personality. Scarlett snorted rolling her eyes. She raked her hands across the purple 2016 Ducati 11991 that she wanted since she saw Kick Ass 2.

"So do you like it?"

"It's perfect." she smiled crashing her lips to his. The kiss was hungry and weaved her fingers through his hair. He pulled her in closer picking her up by the waist. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his torso.

"You wanna get out of here?" he panted.

Kissing him once more she nods.

As they lied next to each other tangled in the sheet and limbs of each other. Scarlett couldn't help think of what Penelope had said earlier.

"You know what I really want for Christmas?"Scarlett asked as Axel wraps her arms around her waist.


"You and Pen to get along. I mean you have been at each others throat for so long."

"Darling you know I wish I could get along with Penelope, she's just so judgmental. Granted I didn't give off the best first impression but still I try. I really do, but she seems to hate me."

"Pen doesn't hate you. You just remind her of someone, I couldn't tell at first but the closer we got the more I could see it. I don't even think she sees it yet."

"Who do I remind her of?"

"You remind her of herself."

"What that doesn't make any sense. Penelope and I are nothing a like."

"Penelope you know now is not the same Penelope I've known for years. Just like how you aren't the same Axel her brother knew. The under layers of the two of you are so a like. She's afraid you'll hurt me so bad like she did once." Scarlett sighed. A great dull pain stabbed at her heart. She looked into Axel's eyes she could see he was lost and confused.

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