Chapter 20: Back stabs, Black Mail, and Bad Dates

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*Sorry I've been gone for so long but here is the new chapter. Picture of Matt because we haven't seen his sexiness in while.*

Ryder carried each girl in the house one by one tucking them safely into Penelope’s bed. He had to admit Penelope’s idea had worked and both Caroline and Violet had seemed to forget about their boy problems. Even though he felt a large sum of jealously brewing inside him while Penelope was dancing with some pompous rich kid most the night. He wanted to go over there and tear that guys arms off his body. Even though girls kept coming up to him asking him to dance or offering to buy him drinks, all of his attention was focused on Penelope. She commanded attention without even trying. Guys were flocked around her as soon as they stepped in the door. The tight little red dress she was wearing wasn’t helping much. She kept referring to herself as the devil in the red dress. While Violet and Caroline had on black, each girl had sexy allure to them beckoning men with just a bat of an eye. All in all the night had done its job. Caroline danced the night away, Violet flirted with guys getting a few numbers declaring she was done with silly high school boys. Ryder smiled holding Penelope who was the last to past out on the way home. She snuggled into his chest.

“Hey Ryder?” Penelope muttered.


“Can I keep you?” she whispered her eyes shut tight.

He knew she wouldn’t remember in the morning and she had her date with Stephen tomorrow so she would forget all about him.

“Of course you can.” He sighed.

“Good. And Ryder can I have a good night kiss?”

“Penelope I don’t…” before he could finished she lifted her lips to his placing them on him softly. He could taste the rum she had been drinking mixed with mint. It so pleasantly intoxicating, he deepened the kiss placing Penelope on her feet pinning her against the wall. Penelope gripped him tight not want him to break away from her again. His lips felt like magic against hers. She never wanted it to end. Tears trickled down her cheeks. Ryder feeling them against his cheek pulled away.

“I’m sorry Penelope I should have never. You’re with Stephen and I’m going to have to respect that. I’ll never take advantage of you again. I swear.” Ryder sputtered taking a few steps back. “Your room is a few steps to your right good night Penelope.” He blurted scurrying off to his.

Penelope placed her fingers against lips missing the taste of him already. She wanted to explain to him why she was crying but she knew the words wouldn’t come out right. She took a deep breath before heading into her room. Her room was completely black, too intoxicated to find a switch she fumbled in the dark until she found the comforts of her bed. Stripping away her dress, she crawled under the covers and snuggled up into a ball letting the tears fall.

Samantha sat at her computer searching for anything on Penelope and the reason she was sent to the states. Her vision began to blur as she scanned document after document trying to put the pieces together. She got the basics stuff that was well known to the public but nothing as extreme to have her practically banished from the family she had known for the past eight years. Her fingers were numb locking up, her eyes were crossed. She was starting to become delusional.

 She heard a loud thud and slamming on her door. Her father was back from god knows where now she feared for life. Even though she had dead bolted the door her father was monstrously strong when he got like that. He was like the Hulk only less green. The thing was by the time he sobered up he wouldn’t remember anything and try to apologize and say he would stay sober this time. It would last a few days then he would find something that reminded him of his ex-wife or he would become stressed from work and it was all back to square one.

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