Chapter 11: Paint Me Trouble

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The night of homecoming Penelope was extremely nervous one because the Dawson had to cancel their beach party due to the fact that their father and mother were staying in the beach house until the repairs were done. The only reason why they didn’t drag the boys along with them was because the Anderson’s home was closer to school and Mr. Anderson had insisted. So now everyone was going to the real homecoming. Penelope hated school dance because the teacher usually watched her closely like she was an ant under a microscope.

Two was because of Stephen. She had spent the past week on the phone with him actually talking to him. Not texting him but hearing his velvet smooth voice. They would stay up talking until 2 am or whenever they realized that it was getting late. One night they had talked until Penelope saw the sun coming up from her window. It felt nice just talking to a guy again. Stephen wasn’t like the other guys she dated he was sweet, caring, and very much a gentlemen. He never spoke bad on anyone even though she had a couple times. He would always find a redeeming quality about them

There was the Dawson’s boys who apparently goal was to make everyone life hell. Ryder would blast his music at all times of night. Which Penelope could hear through the walls. Even though Penelope appreciated the sounds of The Smiths, The Rolling Stones, Slayer and Nirvana vibrating the walls she wanted to get through a night of sleep. Every morning was a struggle for hot water in the morning shower debate. Penelope had to wake up an hour early just to get some hot water for her ten minute shower. Then there was the constant noise the boys were always causing running through the house with strange girls well in the case of Hunter, Heaven. Caroline and Violet couldn’t even stand coming over after a few days so they just hid out at Caroline’s until it got late then Penelope would slink about home. One day she found Axel in her room passed out with a bottle of whiskey in his hand she hadn’t the strength to pull him out her bed so she tucked him and slept right next to him. She wasn’t going to sacrifice her beautiful for anyone. In the morning he was gone like he had never been there.

Penelope stepped out the shower her hair dripping wet. She was pissed Axel had used up all the hot water again with his hour long shower. She hoped the skin burned off his flesh. She really needed that shower to calm her nerves. Walking through her closet she pulled out her best pair of intimates along with a short lace black mini dress that hugged her in the most inappropriate ways. She laid them across her bed smiling to herself.

His mouth is going to drop when he sees me. Penelope thought doing a mental happy dance.

“Hey Penelope, can I get your opinion on something?” Ryder asked walking into her room causing Penelope to shriek dropping her towel. Now very naked in front of him. His face went three shades of red. He couldn’t help but run his eyes over her body. She had three tattoos on her side one of triforce, one directly above her nether regions of the Deathly Hollows and another that said Ian. He also noticed small scars around her upper thighs and back.

“Ryder get out! Do you not know meaning of knocking?” She shrieked retrieving her towel.

Snapping out of his daze Ryder rushes out the room slamming the door shut behind sprinting to his room. Axel and Hunter are lounging on his bed playing call of duty when they look up at him.

“Dude what’s up why do look so red?” Hunter asked putting his eyes back on the screen.

“I saw Penelope naked.” Ryder blurted out before he could stop himself.

“You did what?” Hunter roared tossing his control to the side rushing toward Ryder. Ryder quickly dodged Hunter.

“I didn’t mean to I was asking her a question about which flowers I should get Violet tonight. Since I know she hates roses and violets.”

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