Chapter 22: The Surprise Finds the Lies

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*Happy Penelope*

It was last day before winter finals began and Scarlett had one mission distract Penelope for the next 24 hours. Granted she could have just left Penelope alone in her room to study, yet if Scarlett heard one more word about finals she was going to lose it. She enlisted the help of Caroline and Violet who were more than happy to ditch their studies. Now the three of them paced Penelope's bedroom nearly burning holes into her rug.

"Come on Pen, if you study any longer you are going to be able recite the constitution by memory."

"What?We are studying the constitution." Penelope stated flipping through her notes. Violet looked at her friend with tired eyes. She had never seen Penelope so unbecoming. Her hair look as if hadn't been washed for days. The lack of sleep was evident as her eyes were blood shot.The smell coming from her was borderline offensive.

"Penelope I still don't know your middle name Anderson, you are going to ace those finals with one hand tie behind your back. Now we say this with love. You look like shit. We are here to fix that by giving you 24 hour break. That means no studying, no phone, no internet, and no Stephen." Caroline encouraged grabbing Penelope by her shoulders."Now get that cute butt in the shower we are going out then sleepover at my house and I don't want to hear the word finals again. Do you understand?"

"Fine. Gosh when did you get so bossy?" Penelope smiled. She didn't know why she was stressing over finals, she had all the information committed to memory weeks ago. It was probably all time she had been spending with Stephen, with his talk about college and adventures he had before moving back to California. The way he talked about college and his life, made Penelope want to go too. She knew with history she was going to have work extra hard to get in to college. She didn't want her father buying her way in. She wanted to earn it. That's exactly what she was planning to do.

Ryder and Axel had followed the directions to address that Scarlett had given after they had arrived in England. They knew that their father wouldn't be happy that they had taken his private jet during finals week. Ryder had informed their mother of their mission. To which she only replied, I better see straight A's or there will be hell to pay. Before kissing both boys cheeks. It was the best way to get Ian without that many questions. Ryder was nervous to meet the seven year old. Ian was a key factor to Penelope's life and even more her heart.

What if he doesn't like me. What if he likes that jerk Stephen more? He thought to himself.  Axel siting next to him was dictating directions to the driver trying his hardest not paying to his brother obsessively rubbing his sweaty palms on his jeans.

"He's a seven year old kid Rye I don't think he's going to be much trouble." Axel sighed glancing at his brother out of the corner of his eye.

"No, he's Penelope's little brother. I just want him to like me."

"Why does that even matter to you? She's back with that tool Stephen."He had remember when Scarlett had told him he had broke his pencil in half. He thanked god she wasn't there to see his reaction or she would've blown a gasket. Accusing him of having feelings for Penelope. If she knew only the history he had with Stephen she would understand.

"Penelope is still my friend." Ryder mumbled he hated when his brother reminded him that Stephen had once again capture Penelope's heart."He's the single most important thing in Penelope's life. So yes him liking matters a great deal. So for love of god please help us get the kid with out setting any alarms off in his parents head."

Axel scoffed. "Yeah right from what Scarlett told me that kid's parents don't even care."

"Axel I'm dead serious here. What we are doing his borderline kidnapping."Ryder hissed. Trying to keep his voice low casting a glance at their driver.

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