Chapter Ten: Journey to the Queen of Hearts' Castle

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I stole the title from 'Journey to the Center of the Earth' >_<

I was called into Ben's office the next day after morning classes and I was surprised to find Helene, Nama, and Sage all sitting on a dark oak bench outside his office.
"Oh.... hi. What are you three doing here?" I say awkwardly, dumbfounded they were here (that, or it was because I didn't have coffee this morning- Black with sugar if you are wondering).
"We've been caught." Nama deadpanned.
"No. He already discovered that yesterday- Sylvia told me the whole thing." Helene replied, tapping her foot impatiently, as Sage looked around and twiddled her thumbs. Out of nowhere, Nama let out a dramatic gasp.
"And you didn't tell ME???!" Nama exclaimed, louder than she should have.
"Nama, people can hear you!" Sage hissed, which Nama ignored and continued to scold me.
"A...hem." We turned to see Minetta standing on the other side of the hallway, holding slightly annoyed.
"Oh hey, Minetta!" Nama called, unfazed before turning back to me to continue to scold. She then stopped abruptly and turned back to Minetta.
"Wait... what are you doing here?" Minetta shrugged.
"I don't know. What are all of you doing here?" She asked, exaggerating 'you' to seem more suspicious.
"Who knows?! Why does it matter. You know what? Let's just get out of here!" Helene declared, standing up. Her plans were foiled when the door opened and Ben stood in front of us. Helene froze mid-stomp and we all blinked.
"I'm glad you all could make it." He said with his usual smile, allowing us in. Helene was the last to arrive, grumbling as she came in.
"So... why are we here?" I ask suspiciously.
"I want you to retrieve something for me." He stated matter of factly. We glanced at each other and Nama turned to him.
"What is it?" Ben explained that it was actually Mal's spell book, stolen sometime in the wee hours of the morning around midnight.
"So you want us to get your girlfriend's spell book back? Are you serious? You really had nothing better to do?" Helene snapped.
"Helene, don't be rude!" Sage whispered and Helene sighed.
"Alright. I apologize for my rudeness." Helene explained.
"I suppose." She then grumbled close to my ear.
"Anyway, you want us to retrieve the spell book from the Isle? I think we'll be able to get it back." I say confidently.
"Yeah. Sounds like right up our ally." Helene added with a smirk in my direction.
"Um.. actually I don't want to join you guys. I'm- I'm good. I've seen enough of the Isle." Nama said, hunched over as her confidence withered.
"Me- me too." Sage added timidly.
"Well, I'll go. I'm curious about what it's like." Minetta piped up cheerfully.
"And I'll get my sister to help. She'll be wanting a taste of home." Helene offered.
"Great! Then it's settled!" I declare.

~Time skip~

All the afternoon classes had been cancelled for the day, so we agreed to go to lunch and ask Haven if she would be willing to go with us on this 'adventure'.

I grabbed my food and started to head towards the back table when someone called out my name. I turned to see Starr waving at me and a girl with red hair standing beside her. She then quickly walks over to me with a beaming smile.
"Hi! I've decided to join you guys for lunch. That ok?" I nod to Starr.
"Yeah. That's fine. There plenty of room."
"This is Opal of Arendelle, by the way, my cousin. She wanted to join."
"You can just call me Opal." Opal explains, she kind of reminded me of myself in way with the brush and blunt way she spoke.

I sat down at the table with Starr and Opal, about to say hi to everyone when they shush me. Brandon points next to him and I see Heather Hatter next to him and then there was Ivory Dormouse- asleep as always. I couldn't help but giggle.
"She looks adorable when she sleeps." Helene then glances at me.
"Is it just me or have you gone soft?"
"Hey!" I whisper, nudging her in the arm.
"I'm joking, I'm joking! No need to punch me, Sylvia!" Helene says with her usual smirk.
"Well anyway, did you ask her?" I prod Helene. She nodded.
"I'm excited. We get to go on an adventure!" Haven exclaimed cheerfully making her sister scoff and roll her eyes.
"What?! Can you blame me?" Haven asks with a beaming smile.
"What are you guys going?" Starr pipes up and I realize I haven't told everyone. I proceeded to explain our mission and Brandon and Heather look worried.
"Are... are you sure that's safe? I mean- it's the Isle! You must be insane!!" Heather exclaimed. I turn to her.
"Heather, I've lived on the Isle nearly my entire life- I know what it and the people are like." I explain and it puts Heather a bit at ease, but Brandon still looks worried. He doesn't say anything after that, however.
"Just... be careful." He says as I get up to leave.
"No promises." I say with a wink.

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