Chapter Twenty-Four: The Sleeping Curse

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I am stealing Descendants 3's plot a little for my book, but instead of Mal getting the ember, Helene and Haven will get it because... obviously. (Sort of... sorry, I wrote this part when I didn't think about what the plot of this chapter would be)
Also 'Night Falls' or 'It's Good To Be Bad' from the D3 soundtrack could work for this chapter because I had a hard time deciding for this chapter as I used both to think of this idea lol
By the way, it's been a couple since I saw the movie when I finally got around to writing this chapter (yes I could look it up, but I'm frankly too lazy to do that). As a result, I don't remember when Mal and the others figured out Audrey was the one behind the sleeping curse (but honestly, I don't think it really matters since I'm changing the story up anyway to suit my characters!)

Helene, Haven and I all returned to Auradon only to find-

Wait... why is everyone asleep?

Seconds later, I look up to see Mal with Evie, Jay, Carlos and... Uma, Harry and Gil?

What in Hades is going on?! I think. Mal then spots me and stops as the others look around at all the sleeping bodies.
"Sylvia... what are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same question." I reply as both of us stare, awe struck on how either of us are not affected by whatever plagued our classmates.
"More importantly, what are they doing here?" Helene questions, referring to Uma, Harry and Gil. Mal explains what she and her friends were doing on the Isle and that they ran into the three pirates.
"How did we not see you? We were just there!" Haven exclaims.
"Yeah, it's all very-" Helene pauses, staring at Uma. I look at Uma as well and notice that her necklace not only works but is glowing blue!
"Uma... is that my father's ember?" Helene asks slowly.
"Yeah. What about it? Mal gave it to me." She explains.
"Give it to me!" Helene demands, holding out her hand. I stare at Helene, bewildered. I knew Uma wasn't that trustworthy but... why is she acting so aggressive?

Not that Helene didn't act aggressive, but she never acted that aggressive!

"We are using it Helene. We need it to defeat whatever sleeping curse everyone is under." Mal explains but Helene rolls her eyes.
"Yeah, like I'm going to trust her!" Helene says bitterly.
"What's wrong with her?" Mal asks frustrated, directing the question to me. I shrug, but I hear Haven let out a disgusted noise.
"She's just mad because it's our heirloom and we couldn't find it first," Haven announces rather loudly, seeing right through her sister.
"C'mon, Helene! We don't really need it." Haven explains, lowering her sister's hand as Helene's jaw shuts. She's speechless for probably the first time in her life.

"Anyway... what happened while we were gone?" I ask Mal. She explains that after our friends got back from helping us, they took a report with Ben. After that, an assembly was held and Ben proposed to Mal. She showed me the ring on her finger.
"Oh... congrats." I say awkwardly.
The Isle didn't exactly prepare me on how to congratulate someone on their engagement to the king of the kingdom.
"So... what happened here?" I ask.
"We're not entirely sure. We should probably spilt up to figure out what's going on." Mal suggests.

That's a terrible idea.
"Sure. Sounds like a good idea!" I say out loud.
I didn't know it... but splitting up would be more beneficial than I thought.


We decided to go the Enchanted Forest first, just splitting up there to search for clues. I found out that Jane's birthday party was held near the Enchanted Lake... as for the birthday girl, she was mysteriously missing.

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