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~Lisa's pov~

I rolled over to find Paul not in bed with me. I got up and look around and I didn't see him any where in our room. I got out of bed and walked out of my room and looked for Paul. I looked all over the house until I heard him in the den. I stand at the door and listen to him talk on the phone.

I don't know Rachel....yea I know it's going to be hard but I'm willing to give it a shot....yea I know, me too..... I don't think Lisa knows....yea it'll bad when she finds out....we could try to keep it secret for as long as we can...” I turned around and walked quickly back to my room and looked trough the closet for my bags and suitcases.

I am not going to marry some one who is cheating on me and who plans on doing so for a long time. I packed everything and then put it back in the closet and laid down in bed when I heard Paul's footsteps coming up the steps. I closed my eyes and acted like I was asleep. I felt the bed sink down as Paul got into bed and snuggle up to me from behind. I heard him whisper softly in my ear “I love you baby” then he kissed my cheek and laid down. Yea right liar, you don't love me, you love Rachel's damn ass. Paul has patrol tomorrow, I planned on leaving then. But what about the kids? I will come back for them when I find a nice place of my own and I can stand on my two own feet. Right now I can ask Sam and Emily to help Seth take care of them until I do so. I fell back to sleep like an hour or so after.

Soon I woke up to the sun shinning into my eyes. I rolled over and Paul was gone like I thought. I got up took a quick shower and then got dressed. I called Sam and Emily and talked to them, I told them everything and they agreed to take care of the kids until I am able to stand on my own two feet. Sam said he will deal with Paul. I placed the ring Paul gave me on the kitchen table on top of a while piece of paper. I grabbed my bags and suitcases and put them in the back of my Camaro. I drove off with tears in my eyes and not looking back. Seth was coming over to get the kids clothes and his stuff. I drove all the way from La Push to Forks and from Forks to Seattle. It was a long ass drive but I still did it. I changed my phone number and only gave it to Sam, Emily, Seth, and Jared. Once I got to Seattle I took all the money I had in my bank account and transferred it to a new one under a new name, Marie Smith. I went and got blonde highlights in my hair, went shopping and bought new clothes, I decided to go for a Sexy look. Jared and Seth came up to visit a few days after I came here and Seth drove back the next day taking my Camaro. I gave it to him since I bought a motorcycle. I wasn't feeling well so Jared staid with me. I started to feel worse and I started to get some bad pains in my stomach so Jared took me to the ER. Sadly come to find out, I had a miscarriage. Jared called Sam and told him what was going on and why he didn't come back with Seth. Sam told him to stay with me and that Paul would take his patrol and Sam said he would call when they need Jared back home.

It's been a week since I found out that I lost the baby. Me and Jared were sitting on the motel bed looking through book after book for a place for me. Jared said he would SO move in if Sam would let him. I laughed my ass off at that. Jared did imprint on Kim but some how she was able to brake it and now she's married to a guy. Jared doesn't seem sad or anything, he says he's happy for her. Jared and I have been getting close again but we haven't done anything, just hang out and watch movies and look for a place for me to live. As we watch the movie Paranormal Activity, Jared's phone starts to go off. He looks at it and shakes his head.

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