Dick Grayson - Robin

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The Flying Graysons

You're in Bruges with Robin, Superboy, Miss Martian, Artemis and Red Arrow. You can tell that Robin is bias towards saving the circus. You don't know his story, but you can't blame him, you have a bias toward saving your favourite childhood memory.

You follow him over to some train cars with posters on it. There was a Titano poster, Haly's Circus poster and the one Robin was looking at, The Flying Graysons. You go over to him, and he seem like he's in a trance, since he hasn't noticed you walk up behind him. You hug his back leaning your head against him.

You've been friends with Robin for so many years, and you've never seen him this... sensitive to, well... anything before, and you wish you could help him, but you don't want to pry at anything.
"This is more than just a mission from Batman. If it even is a mission from Batman." You mumble into his back, but clear enough for him to understand you.

"This is hitting close to home for you I can tell. Well, you're not alone. This Circus is close to me too."
"What?" He asks surprised. You look up now resting your chin on shoulder. "You've been to Haly's Circus before?"
"You know what childhood with my dad is like right?" Wondering if he remembers what I've told him.
"Yeah, you'd get in trouble for trying to do cartwheels and handstands in your house."
"I was always trying to relive the last day I saw my mother. It was the worse day of my life, but she somehow made it the best." You could tell he was hesitant and trying to be careful with what you've brought up.

You didn't want to push your friend to talk about why the Circus was important to him, but you wanted to tell him about your mother, which was taboo to you since your mother had committed suicide when you were five years old.

You've told people that she was gone and that it was suicide, but you've never a word about any details of your mother until this moment.
"That day we spent the whole day as an actual happy family.
That one day.
We watched the circus performance three times." You made a sad chuckle looking down for a moment. "My mother pointed up at the people in the air," you pull one of your arms that was around Robin and rest it on his shoulder and pointed it at the poster in front of the two of you. "'Look, Flying Graysons' my mother said to me and she smiled. Then I asked her 'Why can Graysons fly?' Because I thought they actually were."

You smile and laugh at the memory. Robin pulls away from you so he can face you and hold you by your shoulders as he give you a sad look.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't—" I try to apologize for whatever I did, but he cuts me off.
"You lost your mother that day? That's when..." he didn't finish his sentence.
"That evening I found my mother hanging from the kitchen ceiling. I guess she couldn't live with my father's abuse anymore, but she went out of her way to try and make that day perfect for me." I pull away from his grip on my shoulders a little and turn to the side, not wanting Robin to see my eyes tear up.

He put his arms around you and pulls you toward him.
"My parents were in Haly's Circus. They were killed by crooks who were extorting Jack Haly and everyone in town for protection money." You put your arms back around him still under his and hold him as strongly as he is holding you.
"I'm sorry,". You say lowly enough that he might not have heard you.

After a moment of silence you speak again.
"I guess, we haven't really been feeling the aster, have we boy wonder?" You pull back a bit, but Robin still holds onto your waist with one arm, and pulling off your mask with the other. Then you notice that he had already taken off his own.
"Grayson." He states. "Dick Grayson." You stare at his face for a moment.
"You mean—" you say putting the pieces together in your head.
"Yeah." He says then pulls you towards him again by the waist and puts his other hand holding both your masks behind your head and kisses you. You hold onto his shoulders and kiss back.
"But, I'm feeling the aster now. Thank you (y/n)."

Extra/me ruining the moment:
"You know how to fly right? I mean you're a Robin and a Grayson!" You throw your hands in the air with excitement like a child with a stupid smile on your face. Robin facepalms...
"No, I can't."

Extra, extra?:
(Young Justice is brought to you by Greg Weisman, "That's it. All four are dead. The cameras. I meant the cameras." Robin S1E12 Homefront)

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