Wally, Dick and Roy - (Choose)

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Time To Choose

Every Saturday morning to afternoon you do the same thing. You are reaching the end of that routine sitting on the couch in your living room, with some tea, a book and a blanket, and resting on your lap is your Border Collie.

Another thing this that happens often, but is never planned in a certain speedster randomly showing up in your home.
"Hey, (y/n)." Wally hangs over the back of the couch.
"Geez, why are you always breaking in? You could knock like a normal person, you know."
"Your door's unlocked babe, and I'm walking in, not breaking in. Also besides your complaining, it doesn't seem to be much of a problem."

"So, you're suggesting I lock the doors and call the police and complain to them?"
"That's funny. You know, I just came to hang out." He says, and jumps up sitting on the back of the couch. "So, what's for lunch?"
"Aha! You have revealed your true intentions." You say dramatically, but he actually looks a little nervous. "You just want me to make you food."
"Because... it's so good." He says in an odd tone that you would only be able to explain as awkward and forced.

"Fine, I was just about to make lunch anyway."
You move your doggie off of you so you can get up, leave your blanket on the couch, put your book on the coffee table, and bring your tea to the kitchen with you.

"I'm going to make chicken wings, salad and pies Wally, but you're not allowed to eat them all."
"Of course babe, I'd never let you go hungry." He replies.
"No, I mean, I'm making lunch for you, me, Dick and Roy."
"What? Why? What?"

"Because Dick's my roommate—"
"He's more like a housemate."
"The term is roommate Wally, why are you arguing with me?" You laugh, still confused.
"I understand that. I mean, why is Roy coming over for lunch?"
"Because, Dick invited him over. We haven't seen him in a while, so we though it would be nice."

"So, he left you to make lunch after inviting Roy over? Some host he is."
"He had a late night, so, he's still asleep, and I'm a better cook than him."
"It's 10:47 in the morning. He's—"
"I turn his alarm off when I think he needs the rest. He's learned to accept it."
"Wow, okay."

You're done making lots of lunch, and of course Wally had started eating it.
"At least slow down so they'll still be some for lunch."
"Fine..." he surprisingly complies.
"I'm gonna go wake up Dick, and Roy should be here in about 10 minutes."
"Okay." Wally says, with his mouth full of dinner buns, and you roll your eyes.

Dick's room is on the left entering the hall. You knock on the door, like always, in case he is awake and changing or something. And, of course you always knock, it's his private room, but there's no answer.

You go in to see your roommate peacefully sleeping on his side, facing the door. You shake his shoulder a little.
"Hey Dick, it's time to wake up."
His eyes don't open, but he does shift in his bed, tossing you over him and onto the other side of his queen sized bed. Still sleeping, he embraces you tightly and murmurs incomprehensible words.
Now you grab onto both of his shoulders and shake him frantically.
"Dick, wake up! Wake up!" You almost yell in his face until he opens his eye.

"(Y/n)!?!" He pushes himself backwards and he actually falls out of bed.
You jump off and go to his side.
"Oh my god, are you okay?"
"What happened?" He holds his head.
"You pulled me into bed with you, and tried to cuddle me like a teddy bear." After you tell him, his face goes red and Wally comes in the room.

"What happened, what was that sound?" He says holding like 20 dinner buns.
"Wally! What are you doing? Put those back." You whine.
"But, What happened?"
"Dick fell out of bed. Now, stop walking around with my dinner buns Wally."
"They're called dinner rolls." Wally comments, before walking back to the kitchen. You begin to follow him, but before you leave the room you turn back to Dick, who's still sitting on the floor.

"Roy's gonna be here like any minute, so you should probably get dressed."
You start walking to the kitchen, when you hear the door bell.
You then start walking down the hall, to the front door. You find that your dog has already beat you and is barking at the door.

You open the door and the dog jumps up on him.
"Hey Roy." He kneels down to give your dog the attention he's been begging for.
"Hey (y/n). Hey Harper."

Roy is your childhood friend. You always gushed to him growing up, about how you wanted a dog. But, your dad was allergic, so when you moved out, Roy surprised you with a Boarder Collie, which had always been your favourite breed. And, you named him Harper.
"Harper's missed you. Also, Wally's here, so we better get over there before he eats everything."
"Good call." He stands up and gives you a hug. "It's good to see you (y/n)."
"It's good to see you too."

You actually set the table and set out the food while the boys are whispering about something.
When you walk into the dinning room they stop talking.

Lunch is surprisingly more quiet than you expected it to be. The boys seem to kinda be glaring at each other, which is starting to freak you out a bit.

"Sooo..." you trail off really slowly. "How are things going Roy?"
"Fine." He says before eating a bite his salad.

"Okay... Wally, what about you?"
"Okay." He stars eating his third pie.
"What about Artemis?"
"We broke up months ago." He takes another big bite of his pie.
"What? Why didn't you tell me?"
"I thought I did." He makes a face as he bites into his pie again telling you he didn't want to talk about it.

"Okay... So, Dick how's detectiving going?"
"No leads."


"What were you guys talking about?" You ask kinda loudly, and they pause before answering.
They all say at the same time.

"I mean, we weren't talking about anything really..."
"I'm actually doing this case, you know..."
"Well, girls at work, I mean this one place in town..."
They all talk at the same time again.

"Okay, I get it none of my business I guess..."

You decided to stop trying to converse and eat lunch in silence.
"Hey guys?" You ask cleaning up the dishes, and they all turn their attention to you. "How about a movie?"

"You got popcorn?" Wally asks.
"Actually no." Dick answers.
"What?!" Wally yells.

"Don't worry Wally, I'll go get some. I'm almost done, Harper needs a walk, and I needed to get groceries."
"But, you cleaned up most of the table, you shouldn't have to go out and do that (y/n)." Roy says.
"It's fine guys, lots to do, you know? And, you get back to that private conversation you guys were having."

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